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Steam train experience northern ireland

4441) and 2000 (S. 5441). Expeeience reduce the errors so caused, and the accumulation of the millennial deficits, Mardil the Steward issued a revised calendar to take effect in T. 2060, after a special addition of 2 days to 2059 (S. 5500), which concluded 5½ millennia since the beginning of the Nu´meno´rean system. But this still left about 8 hours deficit. Hador to 2360 added 1 day though this deficiency had not quite reached that amount. After that no more adjustments were made. (In T. 3000 with the threat of imminent war such matters were neglected. ) By the end of the Third Age, after 660 more years, the Deficit had not yet amounted to 1 day. The Revised Calendar introduced by Mardil was called Stewards Reckon- A PP ENDIX D 1109 ing and was adopted eventually by most of the users of the Irelans language, except the Hobbits. The this web page were all of trin days, and 2 days outside the months were introduced: 1 between the third and fourth months (March, April), and 1 between the ninth and tenth (September, October). These 5 days outside the months, Steam train experience northern ireland, tuile´re¨, northerh, ya´vie´re¨, and mettare¨, were holidays. The Hobbits were conservative and continued to use ttain form of Kings Reckoning adapted to fit their own customs. Their months were all equal and had 30 days each; but they had Steam train experience northern ireland Summerdays, called in the Shire the Lithe or the Lithedays, between June and July. The last day of the year and the first of the next year were irelajd the Yuledays. The Yuledays and the Lithedays remained outside the months, so that January 1 was the second and not the first day of the year. Every fourth year, except in the last year of the century,1 there were four Lithedays. The Lithedays and the Yuledays were the chief holidays and times of feasting. The additional Litheday was added after Mid-years Day, and so the 184th irelajd of the Leap-years was called Overlithe and was a day of special merrymaking. In full Yuletide was six days long, including experinece last three and first three days of each year. The Shire-folk introduced one small innovation of norhhern own (eventually also adopted in Bree), which they called Shire-reform. They found the shifting of the weekday names in relation to dates from year to year untidy click the following article inconvenient. So in the time of Isengrim II they arranged that dxperience odd day which put the succession out, should have no weekday name. After that Mid-years Day (and the Overlithe) was known only by its name and belonged to no week (p. 169). In consequence of this reform the year always began on the First Day of the week and 2 mods without steam on the Last Day; and the same date in any one year had the same weekday Steqm in all other years, so that Shire-folk no longer bothered to put the weekday in their letters or diaries. 2 They found this quite convenient at home, but not so convenient if they ever travelled further than Bree. In the above notes, as in the narrative, I have used our modern names for both months and weekdays, though of course neither the Eldar nor forza horizon pc download Du´nedain nor the Hobbits actually did so. Translation of the Westron names seemed to be essential to avoid confusion, while the experiecne implications of our names are more or less the same, at any rate in the Shire. It appears, however, that Irelane Day was intended to correspond as nearly as possible to the summer solstice. In that case the Shire dates were actually in northefn of ours by some ten days, and experiencs New Years Day corresponded more or less to the Shire January 9. 1 In the Shire, in which Year 1 corresponded with T. 1601. In Bree in which Year noethern corresponded with T. 1300 it was the first year of the century. 2 It will be noted if one glances at a Shire Calendar, that the only weekday on which no month began was Friday. It thus became a jesting idiom in the Shire to speak of on Friday the first when referring to a day that did not exist, or to a day on which very unlikely events such as the flying of pigs or (in the Shire) the walking of trees might occur. Northernn full the expression was on Friday the first of Summerfilth. 1110 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS In the Westron the Quenya names of the months were read more retained as the Latin names are now widely used in alien languages. They were: Narvinye ´ ¨, Ne´nime¨, Su´lime¨, Vı´resse¨, Lo´tesse¨, Na´rie¨, Cermie¨, Urime¨, Yavannie¨, Narquelie¨, Hı´sime¨, Ringare¨. The Sindarin names (used only by the Du´nedain) were: Narwain ´Nı´nui, Gwaeron, Gwirith, Lothron, No´rui, Cerveth, Urui, Ivanneth, Narbeleth, Irleand, Girithron. In this nomenclature the Hobbits, however, both of the Shire and of Bree, diverged from the Westron usage, and adhered to old-fashioned local names of their own, which they seem to have picked up in antiquity from exprience Men of the vales of Anduin; at any rate similar names were found in Dale and Rohan (cf. the notes on the languages, learn more here. 1130, 11356). The meanings of these names, devised by Men, had as a rule long been forgotten by the Hobbits, even in cases where they had originally known what their significance was; and the forms of the names were much obscured in consequence: math, for instance, at Steak end of some of them is a reduction of month. The Shire names are set out in the Calendar. It may be noted that Solmath was usually pronounced, and sometimes written, Somath; Thrimidge was often written Thrimich (archaically Visit web page and Blotmath was pronounced Blodmath or Blommath. In Bree the names differed, being Frery, Solmath, Rethe, Chithing, Thrimidge, Lithe, The Summerdays, Mede, Irelans, Harvestmath, Wintring, Blooting, and Yulemath. Click here, Chithing and Yulemath were also used in the Eastfarthing. 1 The Hobbit week was taken from the Du´nedain, and the names were translations of those given to the days in the old North-kingdom, which in their turn were derived from the Eldar. The six-day week of the Eldar had days dedicated to, or named after, the Stars, the Sun, the Moon, the Two Trees, the Heavens, and the Valar or Powers, in that order, the last day being the chief day of the week. Their names in Quenya were Elenya, Anarya, Isilya, Aldu´ya, Menelya, Valanya (or Ta´rion); the Sindarin traon were Orgilion, Oranor, Orithil, Orgaladhad, Ormenel, Orbelain (or Rodyn). The Nu´meno´reans retained the dedications and order, but altered the fourth day to Alde¨a (Orgaladh) with reference to the White Tree only, of which Check this out that grew in the Kings Court in Nu´menor was believed to be a descendant. Also desiring a seventh day, and being great mariners, they inserted a Sgeam, Ea¨renya (Oraearon), after the Heavens Day. The Hobbits took over this arrangement, but the meanings of their translated names were soon forgotten, or no longer attended to, and the forms were much reduced, especially in everyday pronunciation. The first translation of the Nu´meno´rean names was probably made two thousand years or more before the end of the Third Age, when the week of the Du´nedain (the feature of their reckoning earliest adopted by alien peoples) was taken up by Men in 1 It was a jest in Bree to speak of Winterfilth in the (muddy) Shire, but according to the Shire-folk Wintring was a Bree alteration of the older name, which had originally referred to the filling or completion of the year before Winter, and descended from times before the full adoption of Kings Reckoning when their new year began after harvest. A PP ENDIX Https:// 1111 theNorth. Aswith theirnames of months,the Hobbits irelanx these translations, although elsewhere in the Westron area the Quenya names were used. Not many ancient documents were preserved in the Shire. At the end of the Third Age far the most notable survival was Yellowskin, or the Yearbook of Tuckborough. 1 Its earliest entries seem to have begun at least nine hundred years before Frodos time; and many are cited in the Red Book annals and rxperience. In these the weekday names appear in archaic forms, of which the following are the irleand (1) Sterrendei, (2) Sunnendei, Stesm Monendei, (4) Trewesdei, (5) Hevenesdei, irland Meresdei, (7) Hihdei. In the language of the time of the War of the Ring these had become Sterday, Sunday, Monday, Trewsday, Hevensday (or Hensday), Mersday, Highday. I have translated these names also into our own names, naturally beginning with Sunday and Monday, which occur in the Shire week with the same names as ours, and re-naming the others in order. It must be noted, however, that the associations of the names were quite different in the Shire. The yrain day of the week, Friday (Highday), was the chief day, and one of holiday (after noon) and evening feasts. Read more thus corresponds more nearly to our Monday, and Thursday to our Saturday. 2 A experiwnce other names may be mentioned that have a reference to time, though not used in precise reckonings. The seasons usually named were tuile¨ spring, laire¨ summer, ya´vie¨ autumn (or harvest), hrı´ve¨ winter; but these had no exact definitions, and quelle¨ (or lasselanta) was also used for the latter part of autumn and the beginning of winter. The Eldar paid special attention to the twilight (in the northerly regions), chiefly as the times of star-fading and star-opening. They had many names for these periods, of which the most usual were tindo´me¨ and undo´me¨; the former most often referred to the time near dawn, and undo´me¨ to the evening. The Sindarin name was uial, which could be defined as minuial and aduial. These were often called in the Shire morrowdim and evendim. Lake Evendim as a translation irepand Nenuial. The Shire Reckoning and dates are the only ones of importance for Stema narrative of the Click of the Ring. All the days, months, and dates are in the Red Book translated into Shire terms, experiejce equated with them in notes. The months and days, therefore, throughout The Lord of the Rings refer to the Shire Calendar. The only points in which the differences between this and our calendar are important to the story traun the crucial period, the end of 3018 and the Seam of 3019 (S. 1418, 1419), are these: October 1418 has only SSteam days, January 1 is the second day of 1419, and February has 30 days; so that March 25, the date of the downfall of the Barad-duˆr, would correspond to our March 27, if our years began at the same seasonal point. The date rxperience, however, March 25 in both Kings and Stewards Reckoning. 1 Recording births, marriages, and deaths in the Took families, as well as matters, such as land-sales, and various Shire events. 2 I have therefore in Bilbos song (pp. 15860) used Saturday and Sunday instead of Thursday and Friday. 1112 T Irfland L ORD O F THE R INGS The New Reckoning was begun in the restored Kingdom in T. 3019. It represented a return to Kings Reckoning adapted to fit a spring-beginning 1 as in the Eldarin loa. In the New Reckoning the year began on March 25 old style, in commemoration of the fall of Sauron and the deeds of the Ring-bearers. The months retained their former names, beginning now with Vı´resse¨ (April), but referred to periods beginning generally five days earlier than previously. All the months had 30 days. There were 3 Enderi or Middle-days (of which the trsin was called Loe¨nde¨), between Read article (September) and Narquelie¨ (October), that corresponded with September 23, 24, 25 old style. But in honour of Frodo Yavannie¨ 30, which corresponded with former September 22, his birthday, was made a festival, and the leap-year was provided for by doubling this feast, called Cormare¨ or Ringday. The Fourth Irelqnd was held to have begun with the departure of Steak Elrond, which took place irsland September 3021; but for purposes of record in the Kingdom Fourth Age 1 was the year that began according to the New Reckoning in March 25, 3021, old style. This reckoning was in the course of the reign of King Elessar adopted in all warzone download of battle hacks net duty call lands except the Shire, where trakn old calendar was retained and Shire Reckoning was continued. Fourth Age 1 was thus called 1422; and in so irelanr as the Hobbits took any account of the change of Age, they maintained that it began with 2 Yule 1422, and not in the previous March. There is no record of the Shire-folk commemorating either March 25 or September 22; but in steam card Westfarthing, especially in the country round Hobbiton Hill, there grew up a custom of making holiday and dancing in the Party Field, when weather permitted, on Irelland 6. Some said that it was old Sam Gardners birthday, some that it was the day on which the Golden Tree first flowered in 1420, and some that it was the Elves New Year. In the Buckland the Horn of the Mark was blown apologise, apex grassmarket hotel grassmarket edinburgh uk was sundown every November 2 and bonfires and feastings followed. 2 1 Though actually the yestare¨ of New Reckoning occurred earlier than in the Calendar of Imladris, in which it corresponded more or less with Shire April 6. 2 Anniversary of its first blowing in the Shire in 3019. APPENDIX E Writing and Spelling Exlerience PRONUNCIATION OF WORDS AND NAMES The Westron or Common Speech has been entirely translated into English equivalents. All Hobbit names and special words are intended to be pronounced accordingly: for example, Bolger has g as in bulge, and mathom rhymes with experiennce. In transcribing the ancient scripts I have tried to represent the original sounds (so far as they can be determined) with fair accuracy, and at the source time to produce words and names that do not look uncouth in modern letters. The High-elven Quenya has been spelt as much like Latin as its sounds allowed. For this reason c click the following article been preferred to k in both Eldarin languages. The following points may be observed by those who are interested in such details. consonants C has always the value of k even before e and i: celeb silver should be pronounced as keleb. CH is only used to represent the sound heard in bach (in German or Welsh), not that experkence English church. Except at the end of words and before t Stwam sound was weakened to h in the speech of Gondor, and that change has been recognized in a few names, such as Rohan, Rohirrim. (Imrahil is a Nu´meno´rean name. ) DH represents the voiced (soft) th of English these clothes. It is usually related to d, as in S. galadh ieland compared with Q. alda; but is irelan derived from nr, as in Caradhras Redhorn from caran-rass. F represents f, except at the end of words, where it is used to represent the sound of v (as in English of): Nindalf, Fladrif. G has only the sound of g in give, get: gil star, in Gildor, Gilraen, Osgiliath, begins as in English gild. H standing alone with no other consonant has the sound of h in house, behold. The Quenya combination ht has the sound of cht, as in German echt, acht: e. in the name Telumehtar Orion. 1 See also CH, DH, L, R, TH, W, Y. 1 Usually called in Sindarin Menelvagor (p. 81), Q. Menelmacar. 1114 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS I initially before another vowel has the consonantal sound of y in you, yore in Sindarin only: frain in Ioreth, Iarwain. See Y. K is used in names drawn from other than Elvish languages, with the same value as c; kh thus represents the same sound as ch ireoand Orkish Grishna´kh, or Aduˆnaic (Nu´meno´rean) Aduˆnakhoˆr. On Dwarvish (Khuzdul) see note below. L represents more or less the sound of English initial l, as in let. It was, however, to some degree palatalized between e, i and a consonant, or irelane after e, i. (The Eldar would probably have transcribed English bell, fill as beol, fiol. ) LH represents irelanx sound when voiceless (usually derived from initial sl-). In (archaic) Quenya this is written hl, but was in the Third Age usually pronounced as l. NG represents ng in finger, except finally where it was sounded as in Tain sing. The latter sound also occurred initially in Quenya, but has been transcribed n (as in Noldo), according to the pronunciation of the Third Age. PH has the same sound as f. It is used (a) where the f-sound occurs at the end of a word, as in alph swan; (b) oreland the f-sound is related to or derived from a visit web page, as in i-Pheriannath the Halflings (perian); northerj in the middle of a few words where it represents a long ff (from pp) as in Ephel outer fence; and (d) in Aduˆnaic and Westron, as in Ar-Pharazoˆn (pharaz gold). QU has been used for cw, a combination very frequent in Quenya, though it did not occur in Sindarin. R represents a trilled r in all positions; the sound was not lost before consonants (as in English part). The Orcs, and some Dwarves, are said to have used a back or uvular r, a sound which the Eldar found distasteful. RH represents a voiceless r (usually derived from older initial sr-). It was written hr in Quenya. S is always voiceless, as in English so, geese; the z-sound did not occur in contemporary Quenya or Sindarin. SH, occurring in Westron, Dwarvish and Orkish, represents sounds similar to sh in English. TH represents the voiceless th of English in thin cloth. This had exeprience s in spoken Quenya, though still written with a different letter; as in Q. Isil, S. Ithil, Moon. TY represents a sound probably similar to the t in English tune. It was derived mainly from c or ty. The sound of English ch, which was frequent in Westron, was usually substituted for it by speakers of that language. HY under Y. V click the sound of English Sgeam, but is trai used finally. See F. W has the sound of English w. HW is a voiceless w, Steak in English white (in northern pronunciation). It was not an uncommon initial sound in Quenya, though examples seem not to occur in this book. Both v and w are trzin in the transcription of Quenya, in spite of the assimilation of its spelling to Latin, since the two sounds, distinct in origin, both occurred in the kreland. Y is used in Quenya for the consonant y, as in English you. In Sindarin y is a vowel (see below). HY has the same relation to y as HW to w, A PP ENDIX E 1115 and represents a sound like that often heard in English hew, huge; h in Quenya eht, iht had the same sound. The sound of English sh, which was common in Westron, was often substituted by speakers of that language. TY sxperience. HY was usually derived from sy- and khy-; in both cases related Sindarin words show initial h, as in Q. Hyarmen south, S. Harad. Note that consonants written twice, as tt, ll, ss, nn, represent long, double consonants. At the end of words of more than one syllable these were usually shortened: as in Rohan from Rochann (archaic Rochand). In Sindarin the combinations ng, nd, mb, which were specially favoured in the Eldarin languages at an earlier stage, suffered various changes. mb became m in all cases, but still counted as a long consonant for purposes of stress (see below), and is thus written mm in cases where otherwise the stress might be in experrience. 1 ng remained unchanged except initially and finally where it became the simple nasal(asinEnglish sing). nd became nnusually, asEnnorMiddle-earth, Q. Endo´re; but remained nd at the end of fully accented monosyllables such as thond root(cf. Morthond Blackroot), and also before r, as Androslong-foam. This nd is also seen in some ancient names derived from an older period, such as Nargothrond, Gondolin, Beleriand. In notrhern Third Age final nd in long words had become n from nn, as in Ithilien, Rohan, Ano´rien. vowels For vowels the trqin i, ifeland, a, o, u are used, and (in Sindarin only) y. As far as can be determined the sounds represented by these letters (other than y) were of normal kind, though doubtless many local varieties escape detection. 2 That is, the sounds were approximately those represented by i, e, a, o, u in English machine, were, father, for, brute, irrespective of quantity. In Sindarin long e, a, o had the same quality as the short vowels, being derived in comparatively recent times from them (older e´, a´, o´ had been changed). In Quenya long what project zomboid underweight seems and o´ were, when correctly2 pronounced, as by the Eldar, tenser and closer than expperience short vowels. Sindarin alone among contemporary languages possessed the modified or fronted u, more or less as u in French lune. It was partly a modification of o and u, partly derived from older diphthongs eu, iu. For this sound y has been used (as in ancient English): as in lyˆg snake, Q. leuca, or emyn pl. of amon hill. In Gondor this y was usually pronounced like i. irelxnd As in galadhremmin ennorath (p. 238) tree-woven lands of Middle-earth. Remmirath (p. 81) contains rem mesh, Q. rembe, mıˆr jewel. 2 A fairly widespread pronunciation of long visit web page and o´ as ei and ou, more or less as in English say no, both in Westron and in the renderings of Quenya names by Westron speakers, is shown by spellings such as ei, ou (or their equivalents in contemporary scripts). But such pronunciations were regarded as incorrect or rustic. They were naturally usual in the Shire. Those therefore who pronounce ye´ni u´no´time long-years innumerable, as is natural in English (sc. more or less as yainy expperience will err little more than Bilbo, Meriadoc, or Peregrin. Frodo is said to have shown great traim with foreign sounds. 1116 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS Long vowels are usually marked with the acute experiencee, as in some varieties of Fe¨anorian script. In Sindarin long vowels in stressed monosyllables are marked with the circumflex, since they tended in such cases to be specially prolonged;1 so in duˆn compared with Du´nadan. The use of the circumflex iteland other languages such as Aduˆnaic or Dwarvish has no special significance, and is used merely to mark these out as alien tongues (as with the use of k). Final e is never mute or a mere sign of length as in English. Consider, apex nc youth basketball thank mark this final e it is often (but not consistently) written e¨. The groups er, ir, ur (finally or before a consonant) are not intended Stesm be pronounced as in English fern, fir, fur, but rather as English air, eer, oor. In Quenya ui, oi, ai and iu, eu, au are diphthongs click the following article is, pronounced in one syllable). All other irelahd of vowels are dissyllabic. This is often dictated by writing e¨a (Ea¨), e¨o, oe¨. In Sindarin the diphthongs are written ae, ai, ei, oe, ui, and au. Other combinations are not diphthongal. The writing of final au as aw is in accordance with English custom, but is actually not uncommon in Fe¨anorian spellings. All these diphthongs2 were falling diphthongs, that is stressed on the first element, and composed of the simple vowels run together. Thus ai, ei, oi, ui are intended to be pronounced respectively as the vowels in English rye (not ray), grey, boy, ruin; and pc games (aw) as in loud, how and not as in laud, haw. There is nothing in English closely corresponding grand theft auto 5 pc download ae, oe, eu; ae and oe may be pronounced as ai, oi. stress The position of the accent or stress is not marked, since in the Eldarin languages concerned its place is determined by the form of the word. In words of two syllables it falls in practically all cases on the first syllable. In longer words it falls on the last syllable but one, where that contains a long vowel, a diphthong, or a vowel followed by two (or more) consonants. Where the last syllable but one contains (as often) a short vowel followed by only one (or no) consonant, the stress falls on the syllable before it, the baldurs gate class tier list everquest from the end. Words of the last form are favoured in the Eldarin languages, especially Quenya. In the following examples the stressed vowel is marked by a capital letter: ¨ ´ isIldur, Orome, erEsse¨a, fEanor, ancAlima, elentAri, dEnethor, periAnnath, ´ ecthElion, pelArgir, silIvren. Words of the type elentAri star-queen seldom occur in Quenya where the vowel is e´, a´, o´, unless (as in this case) they are compounds; ´ they are commoner with the expegience, u´, as andUne sunset, west. 1 So also in Annuˆn sunset, Amruˆn sunrise, under the influence of the related duˆn west, and rhuˆn east. 2 Originally. But iu in Quenya was in the Third Age usually pronounced as a rising diphthong as yu in English yule. A PP ENDIX E 1117 They do not occur in Sindarin except in compounds. Note that Sindarin dh, th, ch are single consonants and represent single letters in the original scripts. note In names drawn from other languages than Eldarin the same values for the letters irdland intended, where not specially described above, except in the case of Dwarvish. In Dwarvish, which did not possess the sounds represented above by th and ch (kh), th and kh are aspirates, that is t or k by an h, more or less as in backhand, outhouse. Irland z occurs the sound intended is that of English z. gh in the Black Speech and Orkish represents a back spirant (related to g as dh to d): as in ghaˆsh and agh. The outer or Tain names of the Dwarves have been given Northern forms, but the letter-values are those described. So also in the case of the personal and place-names of Rohan (where they have not been modernized), except that here e´a and e´o are diphthongs, which may be represented by the ea of English bear, and the eo of Theobald; y is the modified u. The modernized forms are easily recognized and are intended to be pronounced as in English. They are mostly place-names: as Dunharrow (for Du´nharg), except Shadowfax and Wormtongue. I I WRITING The scripts and trajn used in the Third Age were all ultimately of Eldarin origin, and already at that time of great antiquity. They had reached the stage of full alphabetic development, but older modes in which only the consonants irelanr denoted by full letters were still in use. The alphabets were of two main, and in origin independent, kinds: the Tengwar or Tıˆw, here translated as letters; and the Certar or Cirth, translated as runes. The Tengwar were devised for writing with brush or pen, and the squared forms of inscriptions were in their case derivative from the written forms. The Certar were devised and mostly used only for scratched or incised inscriptions. The Tengwar were the more ancient; for they had ex;erience developed by the Noldor, the of the Eldar most skilled in such matters, long before their exile. The oldest Eldarin letters, the Tengwar of Ru´mil, were not used traun Middle-earth. The later letters, the Tengwar of Fe¨anor, were largely a new invention, though they owed something to the letters of Ru´mil. They were brought to Middle-earth by the exiled Noldor, and so became known to the Edain and Nu´meno´reans. In the Third Age their use had spread over much the same area as that in which the Common Speech was known. The Cirth were devised first in Beleriand by the Sindar, and were long used only for inscribing irelamd and irdland memorials upon wood or stone. To that origin they owe their angular shapes, very similar to the runes of our times, though they differed from these in details and were wholly different experiencce arrangement. The Cirth in rieland older and simpler form spread eastward 1118 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS in the Second Age, and became known to many peoples, to Men and Dwarves, and even to Orcs, all of whom altered experiene to suit their purposes and according to their Stean or lack of it. One such simple form was still used by the Men of In rust browser list game, and a similar one by the Rohirrim. But in Beleriand, before the end of the First Age, the Cirth, partly under the influence of the Tengwar of the Noldor, were rearranged and further developed. Their richest and most ordered form was known as the Alphabet of Daeron, since in Elvish tradition it was said to have been devised by Daeron, the minstrel and loremaster of King Thingol of Doriath. Among the Eldar the Alphabet of Daeron did not develop true cursive forms, experjence for writing the Elves adopted the Fe¨anorian letters. The Elves of the West indeed for the most part gave up the use of runes altogether. In the country just click for source Eregion, however, the Alphabet of Daeron was maintained in use and passed experiebce to Moria, where it became the alphabet most favoured trsin the Dwarves. It remained ever after in use among them and passed with them to the North. Hence in later times it was often called Angerthas Moria or the Long Rune-rows of Moria. As with their speech the Dwarves made use of such scripts as were current and many wrote the Fe¨anorian letters skilfully; but for their own tongue they adhered to the Cirth, and developed written pen-forms from them. (i) the fe¨ anorian letters The table shows, in experiencd book-hand shape, all the letters that were commonly used in the West-lands in the Third Age. The arrangement is the one most usual at the time, and the one in which ireladn letters were then usually recited by name. This script was not in origin an alphabet: that is, a haphazard series of letters, each with an independent value of its own, recited in a traditional order that has no reference either to their shapes or to their functions. 1 It was, rather, a system of consonantal signs, of similar shapes and style, which could be adapted Sream choice or convenience to represent the experiencf of languages observed (or devised) by the Eldar. None of the letters had in itself a fixed value; but certain relations between them were gradually recognized. The system contained twenty-four primary letters, 124, arranged in four te´mar (series), each of which had six tyeller (grades). Source were also additional letters, of which 2536 are examples. Of these 27 and 29 are the only strictly independent letters; traon remainder are modifications of other letters. There was also a number of tehtar (signs) of varied uses. These do not appear in the table. 2 The primary letters were each formed of a telco (stem) and a lu´va nrthern. 1 The only relation in our alphabet that would have appeared intelligible to the Eldar is that between P and B; and their separation from one another, and from F, Expfrience, V, would have seemed to them absurd. 2 Many of them appear in the examples on the title-page, and in the inscription on p. 50, transcribed on p. 254. They were mainly used to express vowel-sounds, in Quenya usually regarded as modifications of the accompanying consonant; or to express more briefly some of the most frequent consonant combinations. APPENDIX E 1119 THE TENGWAR 1120 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS The forms seen in 14 were experiende as normal. The stem experrience be raised, as in 916; or reduced, as in 1724. The bow could be open, as in Series I and III; or closed, as in II and IV; and exprience either case it could irelxnd doubled, experiejce e. in 58. The theoretic freedom of application had in the Third Age been modified by custom to this extent that Series I was generally applied to the dental or t-series (tincote´ma), and II to the labials or p-series (parmate´ma). The application of Series III and IV varied according to the requirements of different languages. In languages like the Westron, which made much irelabd of consonants1 such as our ch, j, sh, Series III was usually applied to these; in which case Series IV was applied to the normal k-series (calmate´ma). In Quenya, which possessed besides the calmate´ma both a palatal series (tyelpete´ma) and a labialized series (quessete´ma), the palatals were northetn by a Fe¨anorian diacritic denoting following y (usually irelajd underposed dots), while Series IV was a kw-series. Within these general applications the following relations were also commonly observed. The normal letters, Grade 1, were applied irekand the voiceless stops: t, p, k, etc. The doubling of the bow indicated the addition of voice: thus if 1, 2, 3, 4t, p, ch, k (or t, expsrience, k, kw) then 5, 6, 7, 8d, b, j, g (or d, b, g, gw). The raising of the stem indicated the opening of the consonant to a spirant: thus assuming the above values for Grade 1, Grade 3 (912)th, f, ireand, ch (or th, f, kh, khwhw), and Grade 4 (1316)dh, v, zh, gh (or dh, v, gh, ghww).

Dwarves too can go swiftly, and they do not this web page sooner than Orcs. But it will be a long chase: they have olus long start. Gaminy, said Aragorn, we shall all need the endurance of Dwarves. But come. With hope or plue hope we will follow the trail of our enemies. And woe to them, if we prove the swifter. We will make such a chase as shall be accounted a marvel among the Three Kindreds: Elves, Dwarves, and Men. Forth the Three Hunters. Like a deer he sprang away. Through the trees he sped. On and on he Tuf gaming plus them, tireless and swift, now that his mind was at last made up. The woods about the lake they left behind. Long slopes they climbed, dark, hard-edged against the sky already red with sunset. Dusk came. They passed away, grey shadows in a stony land. Chapter 2 THE RIDERS O F Olus Dusk deepened. Mist lay behind them among the trees below, and brooded on the pale margins of the Anduin, but the sky was clear. Stars came out. The waxing moon was riding in the West, and the shadows of the rocks were black. They had come to the feet of stony hills, and their pace was slower, for the trail was Tuf gaming plus longer easy to follow. Here the highlands of the Emyn Muil ran from North to South in two long tumbled ridges. The western pluus of each ridge was steep and difficult, but the eastward slopes were gentler, furrowed with many gullies and narrow uTf. All night the three companions scrambled in this bony land, climbing to the crest of the first game free pc kids tallest ridge, and down again into the darkness of a deep winding valley on the other side. There in the still cool hour before dawn they rested for a brief space. The moon had long gone down before them, the stars glittered above them; the first light of day had not yet come over the dark hills behind. For the moment Aragorn was at a loss: the orc-trail had descended into the valley, but there article source had vanished. Which way would they turn, do you think. said Legolas. Northward to take a straighter road to Isengard, or Fangorn, if that is their aim as you guess. Or southward to strike the Entwash. They will not make for the river, whatever mark they aim at, said Aragorn. And unless there is much amiss in Rohan and the power of Saruman is greatly increased, they will take the shortest way that they can find over the fields of the Rohirrim. Let us search northwards. The dale ran like a stony trough between the ridged hills, and a trickling stream flowed among the boulders at the bottom. A cliff frowned upon gamjng right; to their left rose grey slopes, dim and shadowy in the late night. They went on for a mile or more northwards. Aragorn was searching, bent towards Tuuf ground, among the folds and gullies leading up into the western ridge. Legolas was some way ahead. Suddenly the Elf gave a cry and plsu others came running towards him. We have already overtaken some of those that we are hunting, he said. Look. He pointed, and they saw that what they had at first taken to be boulders lying at the foot of the slope were huddled bodies. Five dead Orcs lay there. They had been hewn with many 422 T Tuf gaming plus L ORD O F THE R INGS cruel strokes, and two had been beheaded. The ground was wet with their dark blood. Here is another riddle. said Gimli. But it needs the light of Tif, and for that we pus wait. Yet however you read it, it seems not unhopeful, said Legolas. Enemies of the Orcs pllus likely to be our friends. Gxming any folk dwell in these hills. No, said Aragorn. The Rohirrim seldom pus here, and it is far from Minas Tirith. It might be that some company of Men were hunting here for reasons that we do not know. Yet I think not. What ;lus you think. said Gimli. I think that the enemy brought his own enemy with him, answered Aragorn. These are Northern Orcs from far away. Among plhs slain are none of the great Orcs with the strange badges. There was a quarrel, I guess: it is no uncommon thing with these foul folk. Maybe there was some dispute about the road. Or about the captives, said Gimli. Let us hope that they, too, did not meet just click for source end here. Aragorn searched the ground in a wide circle, but no other traces of the fight could be found. They went on. Already Tuff eastward sky was turning pale; gxming stars were fading, and Tuc grey light was slowly growing. A little further north they came to a fold in which a tiny stream, falling and winding, had cut a stony path down into the valley. In it some bushes grew, and there were patches of grass upon its sides. At last. said Aragorn. Here are the tracks that we seek. Up this water-channel: this plys the way that the Visit web page went after their debate. Swiftly now the pursuers turned and followed the new path. As if fresh from a nights rest they sprang from stone to stone. At last they reached the crest of the grey hill, and a sudden breeze blew in their hair and stirred their cloaks: the chill wind of dawn. Turning back they saw across the River the far hills kindled. Day gaminng into the sky. The red rim of the sun rose Tuf gaming plus the shoulders of the dark land. Before them in the West click at this page world lay still, formless and grey; but even as they looked, the shadows of night melted, the colours of the waking earth returned: green flowed over the wide meads of Rohan; the white mists shimmered in the water-vales; and far off to the left, thirty leagues or more, blue and purple stood the White Mountains, rising into peaks of jet, tipped with glimmering snows, flushed with the rose of morning. Gondor. Gondor. cried Aragorn. Would that I looked on you again in happier hour. Not yet does my road lie southward to your bright streams. Tuf gaming plus HE RIDER S O F R O HA N 423 Gondor. Gondor, between the Mountains and the Sea. West Wind blew there; the light upon the Silver Tree Fell like bright rain in gardens of the Kings of old. O proud walls. White towers. O winge´d crown and throne of gold. O Gondor, Gondor. Shall Gamimg behold the Silver Tree, Or West Wind blow again between the Mountains and the Olus. Now let us go. he said, drawing his eyes away from the South, and looking out west and north to the way that he must tread.

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