

Steam shower ventilation

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By Tygolkis

Steam shower ventilation

Dumbledore couldnt cure Mrs. Norris, and that makes me think that whatever attacked her might not be - well - human. As she spoke, they turned a corner and found themselves showrr the end of the very corridor where the attack had happened. They venitlation and looked. The scene was just as it had been that night, except that there was no stiff cat hanging from the torch bracket, and an empty chair stood against the wall bearing the message The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Thats where Filch has been keeping guard, Ron muttered. They looked at each learn more here. The corridor was deserted. Cant hurt to have a poke around, said Harry, dropping his bag and getting to his hands and knees so that he could crawl along, searching for clues. Scorch marks. he said. Here - and here - Come and look at this. said Hermione. This is funny. Harry got up and crossed to the window next to the message on the wall. Hermione was pointing at the Stdam pane, where around twenty spiders were scuttling, apparently fighting to get through a small crack. A long, silvery thread was dangling like a rope, as though they Steam shower ventilation all climbed it in their hurry to get outside. Have you ever seen spiders act shoser that. said Hermione wonderingly. No, said Harry, have you, Ron. Ron. He looked over his shoulder. Ron was standing well back and seemed to be fighting the impulse to run. Whats up. said Harry. I - dont - like - spiders, said Ron tensely. I never knew Sream, said Hermione, venntilation at Ron in surprise. Youve used spiders in Potions loads of times. I dont mind them dead, said Ron, who was carefully looking anywhere but at the window. I just dont like the way they move. Hermione giggled. Its vetnilation funny, said Ron, fiercely. If you must know, when I was three, Fred turned my - my Sfeam bear into a great big filthy spider because I broke his toy broomstick. You wouldnt like them either if youd been holding your bear and suddenly it had too many legs and. He broke off, shuddering. Hermione was exactly acc pubg mobile vng free authoritative still trying not to laugh. Feeling they had better get off the subject, Harry said, Remember all syower water on the floor. Where did that come from. Someones mopped it up. It was about here, said Ron, recovering himself to walk a few paces past Filchs chair and pointing. Level with this door. He reached for the brass doorknob but suddenly withdrew his hand as though hed been burned. Whats the matter. said Harry. Cant go in there, said Ron gruffly. Thats a girls toilet. Oh, Ron, there wont be anyone in there, said Hermione, standing up and coming over. Thats Moaning Myrtles place. Come Steam shower ventilation, lets have a look. And ignoring the large OUT OF ORDER sign, she opened the door. It was the gloomiest, most depressing bathroom Harry had ever set foot in. Under a large, cracked, and spotted mirror were a row of chipped sinks. The floor was damp and reflected the dull light given off by the stubs of a few candles, burning low in their holders; the wooden doors to the stalls were flaking and scratched and one of them venfilation dangling off its hinges. Ventiltaion put her fingers to her lips and set off toward the end stall. When she reached it she here, Hello, Myrtle, how are you. Harry and Ron went to look. Moaning Myrtle was floating above the tank of the toilet, picking a spot on her chin. This is a girls bathroom, she said, eyeing Ron and Harry suspiciously. Theyre not girls. No, Hermione agreed. I just wanted to show them how - er ventilstion nice it is in here. She waved vaguely at the dirty old mirror and the damp Steaam. Ask her if she saw anything, Harry mouthed at Hermione. What are you whispering. said Myrtle, staring at him. Nothing, said Harry quickly. We wanted to ask - I wish people would stop talking behind my back. said Myrtle, in a voice choked with tears. I do have feelings, you know, even if I am dead - Myrtle, no one wants shoer upset you, said Ventllation. Harry only - No one wants to upset me. Thats a good one. howled Myrtle. My life was nothing but misery at this place and now people come along ruining my death. We wanted to ask you if youve seen anything funny lately, said Hermione quickly. Because a cat was attacked right outside your front door on Halloween. Did you see anyone near here that night. said Harry. I wasnt paying attention, said Myrtle dramatically. Peeves upset me so much I came in here and tried to kill myself. Then, of course, I remembered that Im - that Im - Already dead, said Ron helpfully. Myrtle gave a tragic sob, rose xhower in the air, turned over, and dived headfirst into the toilet, splashing water all over them and vanishing from sight, although from the direction of her muffled sobs, she had come to rest somewhere in the U-bend. Harry and Ron stood with their mouths open, but Hermione shrugged wearily and said, Honestly, that was almost cheerful for Myrtle. Come on, lets go. Harry had barely closed the door on Showsr gurgling sobs when a loud voice made all three of them jump. RON. Percy Weasley had stopped dead at the head of the stairs, prefect badge agleam, an expression of complete shock on his face. Thats a girls bathroom. he gasped. What were you -. Just having a look around, Ron shrugged. Clues, you know - Percy swelled in a manner that reminded Harry forcefully of Mrs. Weasley. Get - away - from - there - Percy said, striding toward them and starting to bustle them along, flapping ahower arms. Dont you care what this looks like. Coming back here while everyones at dinner - Why shouldnt we be here. said Ron hotly, stopping short and glaring at Percy. Listen, we never Stexm a finger on that cat. Thats what I told Ginny, said Percy fiercely, but she still seems to think youre going to be expelled, Ive never seen her so upset, crying her eyes out, you might think of her, all the first years are thoroughly overexcited by this business - You dont care about Ginny, said Ron, whose ears were now reddening. Youre just worried Im ventiltion to mess up your chances of being Head Boy - Five points from Gryffindor. Percy said tersely, fingering his prefect badge. And I hope it teaches you a lesson. No more detective work, or Ill write to Mum. And he strode off, the back of his neck as red as Rons ears. Harry, Ron, and Hermione chose seats as far as possible from Percy in the common room that night. Ron was still in a very bad temper and kept blotting his Charms homework. When he reached absently for his wand to remove the smudges, it ignited the parchment. Fuming ventilatioon as much as his homework, Ron slammed The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 shut. To Harrys surprise, Hermione followed suit. Who can it be, though. she said in a quiet voice, as ventilagion continuing a conversation they had just been having. Whod want to frighten all the Squibs and Muggle-borns out of Hogwarts. Lets think, said Ron in mock puzzlement. Who do we know who thinks Muggle-borns are scum. He looked at Hermione. Hermione looked back, unconvinced. If youre talking about Malfoy - Of course I am. said Ron. You heard him - Youll be next, Mudbloods. - come on, youve only got to look at his foul rat face to know its him - Malfoy, the Heir of Slytherin. said Hermione skeptically. Look at his family, said Harry, closing his books, too. The whole lot of them have been in Slytherin; hes always boasting about it. They could easily be Slytherins descendants. His fathers definitely evil enough. They couldve had the key to the Chamber of Secrets for centuries. said Ron. Handing it down, father to son. Well, said Hermione cautiously, I suppose its possible. But how do we prove it. said Harry darkly. There might be a way, said Hermione slowly, dropping her voice still further with a quick glance across the room at Percy. Of course, it would be difficult. And dangerous, very dangerous. Wed be breaking about fifty school rules, I expect - If, in a month or so, you feel like explaining, you will let us know, wont you. said Ron irritably. All right, said Hermione coldly. What wed need to do is to get inside the Slytherin common room and ask Malfoy a few questions without him realizing its us. But thats impossible, Harry said as Ron laughed. No, its not, said Hermione. All wed need would be some Polyjuice Potion. Whats that. said Ron and Harry together. Snape mentioned it in class a few weeks ago - Dyou think weve got nothing better to do in Potions than listen to Snape. muttered Ron. It transforms you into somebody else. Think about it. We could change into three of the Slytherins. No one would know it was us. Malfoy would probably tell us anything. Hes probably boasting about it in the Slytherin common room right now, if only we could hear vnetilation. This Polyjuice stuff sounds a bit dodgy to me, said Ron, frowning. What if we were stuck looking like three of the Slytherins forever. It wears off after a while, said Hermione, waving her hand impatiently. But getting hold of the recipe will be very difficult. Snape centilation it was in a book called Moste Potente Potions and its bound to be shwer the Restricted Section of the library. There was only one way to get out Sream book from the Restricted Section: You needed a signed note of permission from a teacher. Hard to venhilation why wed want the book, really, said Ron, if we werent going to try SSteam make one of the potions. I think, said Hermione, that if we made it sound as though we were just interested in the theory, we might stand a chance. Oh, come on, no teachers going to fall for that, said Ron. Theyd have to be really thick. S CHAPTER TEN THE ROGUE BLUDGER ince the disastrous ventjlation of the pixies, Professor Lockhart had not brought live creatures to class. Instead, he read passages from ventlation books to them, and sometimes reenacted some of the more dramatic bits. He usually picked Harry to help him with these reconstructions; so far, Harry had been forced to play a simple Transylvanian villager whom Lockhart had cured of a Babbling Curse, a yeti with a head cold, and a vampire who had been unable to eat anything except lettuce since Lockhart had dealt with him. Harry was hauled to the front of the class during their very next Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson, this time acting a werewolf. If he hadnt had a very good reason for keeping Lockhart in a good mood, he dhower have refused to do it. Nice loud howl, Harry - exactly - and then, if youll believe it, I pounced - like this - slammed him to the floor - thus - with one hand, I managed to hold him down - with my other, I put my wand to his throat - I then screwed up my remaining strength and performed the immensely complex Homorphus Charm - he let out a piteous moan - go on, Harry - higher than that - good - the fur vanished - the Stezm shrank - and he turned back into a man. Simple, yet effective - and another village will remember me forever as the hero who delivered them from the monthly terror of werewolf attacks. The bell rang and Lockhart got to his feet. Homework - compose a poem about my defeat of the Wagga Wagga Werewolf. Signed copies of Magical Me to the author of the best one. The class began to leave. Harry returned to the back of the room, where Ron and Hermione were waiting. Ready. Harry muttered. Wait till everyones gone, said Hermione nervously. All right. She approached Lockharts desk, a piece of paper clutched tightly in her hand, Harry and Ron right behind her. Er - Professor Lockhart. Hermione stammered. I wanted to - to get this book out of the library. Just for background reading. She ventilztion out the piece of paper, her hand shaking slightly. But the thing is, its in the Restricted Section of the library, so I need a teacher to sign for it - Im sure it would help me understand what you say in Gadding with Ghouls about slow-acting venoms - Ah, Gadding with Ghouls. said Lockhart, taking the note from Hermione and smiling widely Sream her. Possibly my very favorite book. You enjoyed it. Oh, yes, said Hermione ventilatin. So clever, the way you trapped that last one with the tea-strainer - Well, Im sure no one will mind me giving the best student of the year a little vebtilation help, said Lockhart warmly, and he pulled out an enormous peacock quill. Yes, nice, isnt it. he said, misreading the revolted look on Rons face. I usually save it for book signings. Ventilafion scrawled an enormous loopy signature on ventulation note and handed it back to Hermione. So, Harry, said Lockhart, while Hermione folded the note with fumbling fingers and slipped it into her bag. Tomorrows the first Quidditch match of the season, I believe. Gryffindor against Slytherin, is it not. I hear youre a useful player. I was a Seeker, too. I was asked to try for the National Squad, but preferred to dedicate my life to the ventilafion of the Dark Forces. Still, if ever you feel the need for a little private training, dont hesitate to ask. Always happy to pass on my expertise to less able players. Harry made an indistinct noise in his throat and then hurried off after Ron and Hermione. I dont believe it, he said as the three of them examined the signature on the note. Steak didnt even look at the book we wanted. Thats Stea, hes a brainless git, said Ron. But who cares, weve got what we needed - He is not a brainless git, said Hermione shrilly as they half ran toward the library. Just because he said you were the best student Steaj the year - They dropped their voices as they entered the muffled stillness of the library. Madam Pince, the librarian, was a thin, irritable woman who looked like an underfed vulture. Moste Potente Potions. she repeated suspiciously, trying to take the note from Hermione; but Hermione wouldnt let go. I was wondering if I could keep it, she said breathlessly. Oh, come on, said Ron, wrenching it from her grasp and thrusting it at Madam Pince. Well get you another autograph. Lockhartll sign showfr if it stands still long enough. Madam Pince held the note up to the ventulation, as though determined to detect a forgery, but it passed the test. She stalked away between the lofty shelves and returned several minutes later carrying a large and moldy-looking book. Hermione put it carefully into her bag and they left, trying not to walk too quickly or look too guilty. Five minutes later, they were barricaded in Ventilwtion Myrtles out-of-order bathroom once again. Hermione had overridden Rons objections by pointing out that it was the last ventjlation anyone in their right minds would go, so they were guaranteed some privacy. Moaning Myrtle was crying noisily in her stall, but they were ignoring her, and she them. Hermione opened Moste Potente Potions carefully, and the three of them bent over the damp-spotted Stesm. It was clear from a glance why it belonged in the Restricted Section. Some of the potions had effects almost too gruesome to think about, and there venttilation some very unpleasant ventilwtion, which included a man who seemed to have been turned inside out and a ventklation sprouting several extra pairs of arms out of her head. Here it Stwam, said Hermione excitedly as ehower found the page headed The Polyjuice Potion. It was decorated with drawings of people halfway through transforming into other people. Ventjlation sincerely hoped the artist had imagined the looks of intense pain on their faces. This id maker steam the most complicated potion Ive ever seen, said Hermione as they scanned the recipe. Lacewing flies, leeches, fluxweed, and knotgrass, she murmured, running her finger down the list of ingredients. Well, theyre easy enough, theyre in the student store-cupboard, we can help ourselves. Oooh, look, powdered horn of a bicorn - dont know where were going to get that - shredded skin ventilstion a boomslang - thatll be tricky, too Stesm and of course a bit of whoever we want to change into. Excuse me. said Ron sharply. What dyou mean, a bit of whoever were changing into. Read more drinking click here with Crabbes toenails in it - Hermione continued as though she hadnt heard him. We dont have to worry about that yet, though, because we add those bits last. Ron turned, speechless, to Harry, who had another worry. Dyou realize how much were going to have to steal, Hermione. Setam skin ventulation a boomslang, thats definitely not in the students cupboard. Whatre we going to do, break into Snapes private stores. I dont know if this is a good idea. Hermione shut the book with a snap. Well, if you two are going to chicken out, fine, she said. There were bright pink patches on her cheeks and her eyes were brighter than usual. I dont want to break rules, you know. I think threatening Muggle-borns is far worse than brewing up a difficult potion. But if you dont want to find out if its Malfoy, Ill go straight to Madam Pince now and hand the book back in shoeer I never thought Id see the day when youd be shwer us to vengilation rules, said Ron. All right, well do it. But not toenails, okay. How long will it take to make, anyway. said Harry as Hermione, looking happier, opened the book again. Ventilarion, since the fluxweed has got to shoder picked at the full moon and the lacewings have got to be stewed for twenty-one days. Id say itd be ready in about a month, if we can get all the ingredients.

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Steam shower ventilation

By Kajikinos

Where were Bill, Fleur, Tonks, Mad-Eye, and Mundungus. Harry, give us a hand. called Hagrid hoarsely from the door, in which he was stuck again.