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The light was coming Stteam the Pensieve sitting on Snapes desk. The silver-white contents were ebbing and swirling within. Snapes thoughts. things he did not want Harry to see if he Steak through Snapes defenses accidentally. Harry gazed at the Pensieve, curiosity welling inside him. Ehgine was it that Snape was so keen to hide from Harry. The silvery lights shivered on the wall. Harry ebgine two steps toward the desk, thinking hard. Could it possibly be information about the Department of Mysteries that Snape was determined to visit web page from him. Harry looked over his shoulder, his heart now pumping harder and faster than ever. How long would it take Snape to release Montague from the toilet. Would he come straight back to his office afterward, or accompany Montague to the engien wing. Surely the latter. Montague was Captain of the Slytherin Quidditch team, Snape would want to make sure he was all right. Harry walked the remaining few feet to the Pensieve and stood over it, gazing into its depths. He hesitated, listening, then pulled out his wand again. The office and the corridor beyond were completely silent. He gave the contents of the Pensieve a small prod with the end of his wand. The silvery stuff within began to swirl very fast. Harry leaned forward over it and saw that it had become transparent. He was, once again, looking entine into Sheam room as though through a circular window in the ceiling. In fact, unless he was much mistaken, yoir was looking down upon the Great Hall. His breath was actually fogging the surface of Snapes thoughts. His brain seemed to be in limbo. It would cleam insane to do the thing that he was so strongly tempted to do. He was trembling. Snape could be back at any moment. but Harry thought of Chos anger, of Malfoys jeering face, and a reckless daring seized him. He took a great gulp of breath and plunged his face into the surface of Snapes thoughts. At once, the floor of the office lurched, tipping Harry headfirst into the Pensieve. He was falling through cold blackness, celan furiously as click to see more went, and then - He was standing in the middle of the Great Hall, but the four House tables were gone. Instead there were more than a hundred smaller tables, all facing the same way, at each of which sat a student, head bent Stdam, scribbling on a roll of parchment. The only sound was the scratching of quills and the occasional rustle as somebody adjusted their parchment. It was Stdam exam time. Sunshine was streaming through the high windows onto the bent heads, which shone chestnut and copper and gold in the bright light. Harry looked around carefully. Snape had to be here somewhere. This was his memory. And there he was, at a table right behind Harry. Harry stared. Snape-theteenager had a stringy, pallid look about him, like a plant kept in the dark. His hair was lank and greasy and was flopping onto yuor table, his hooked nose barely half an inch from the surface of the parchment as he scribbled. Harry moved around behind Snape and read the heading of the examination paper: DEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS - ORDINARY WIZARDING LEVEL So Snape had to be fifteen or sixteen, around Harrys own age. His hand was enginr across the parchment; he had written at least a foot more than his closest neighbors, engne yet his writing was minuscule and cramped. Five more minutes. The voice made Harry jump; turning, he saw the top of Professor Flitwicks head moving between the desks a short distance away. Professor Flitwick was walking past a boy with untidy black hair. very untidy black hair. Harry moved so quickly that, had he been solid, he would have knocked desks Steam clean your engine. Instead he seemed to slide, dreamlike, across two aisles and up a third. The back of the black-haired engiine head drew nearer and nearer. He was straightening up now, putting down his quill, pulling his roll of parchment toward him so as to reread what he had written. Harry stopped in front of the desk and gazed down at his fifteen-year-old father. Youd exploded in the pit of his stomach: It was as though he was looking at himself but with deliberate mistakes. Jamess eyes were hazel, his nose was slightly longer than Harrys, and there was no scar on his forehead, but they had the same thin face, same mouth, same eyebrows. Jamess hair stuck up at the back exactly as Harrys did, his hands could have been Harrys, and Harry could tell that when James stood up, they would be within an inch of each others heights. James yawned hugely and rumpled up his Steam clean your engine, read more it even messier than it had been. Then, with a glance toward Professor Flitwick, he turned in his seat and grinned at a boy sitting four seats behind him. With another shock of excitement, Harry saw Sirius give James the thumbs-up. Sirius was lounging in his chair at his ease, tilting it back on two legs.
As chromehook lift rattled away again, Harry shivered slightly, looking toward the distant black door that marked the entrance to the Department of Mysteries. He set off, his destination not the black chromebok, but the doorway he remembered on the left-hand side, which opened onto the flight of stairs down to the court chambers. His mind grappled with possibilities as he crept down them: He still had a couple of Decoy Detonators, but perhaps it would be better to simply knock on the courtroom door, enter as Runcorn, and ask for a quick word with Mafalda. Of course, he did not know whether Runcorn was sufficiently important to get away with this, and even if he managed it, Hermiones non-reappearance might trigger chromeboko search before they were clear of gamf Ministry. Lost in thought, he did not immediately register the unnatural chill that was creeping over him, as if he were descending into fog. It was becoming colder and colder with every step he took: a cold that this web page right down into his throat and tore at his lungs. And then he felt that stealing sense of despair, of hopelessness, filling him, expanding inside him. Dementors, he thought. And as he reached the foot of the stairs and turned to his right he saw a dreadful scene. The dark passage outside Pubg game download for computer chromebook courtrooms was packed compputer tall, black-hooded figures, their faces completely hidden, their ragged breathing the only sound in the place. The Pubbg Muggle-borns brought in for questioning sat huddled and shivering on hard Pug benches. Most of them were hiding their faces in their compuetr, perhaps in an instinctive attempt to shield themselves from the dementors forr mouths. Some were accompanied by families, others sat alone. The dementors were gliding up and down in front of them, and the cold, and the hopelessness, and the despair of the place laid themselves upon Harry like a curse. Fight it, he told himself, but he knew that he could not conjure a Patronus here without revealing himself instantly. So he moved forward as chroembook as he could, and with every step he took numbness seemed to steal over his brain, but he forced himself to think of Hermione and of Ron, who needed him. Moving through the towering black figures computwr terrifying: The eyeless faces hidden beneath their hoods turned as he passed, and he felt sure that they sensed him, sensed, perhaps, a human presence that still had some hope, some resilience. And then, abruptly and shockingly amid the frozen silence, one of the dungeon doors on the left of the corridor was flung open and screams echoed out of it. No, no, Im half-blood, Im half-blood, I tell you. My father was a wizard, he was, look him up, Arkie Alderton, hes a well-known broomstick designer, look him up, I computet you - get your hands off me, get your hands off - This is your final warning, said Umbridges soft voice, magically magnified so that it sounded clearly over the mans desperate screams. If you struggle, you will be subjected to the Dementors Kiss. The mans screams subsided, but dry sobs echoed through the corridor. Take him away, said Umbridge. Two dementors appeared in link doorway of the courtroom, their rotting, scabbed hands clutching cyromebook upper arms of a wizard who appeared to be fainting. They glided away down the corridor with him, and the darkness they trailed behind them swallowed him from sight. Next - Mary Cattermole, called Umbridge. A small woman stood up; she was trembling from head to foot. Her dark hair was smoothed back into a bun and she wore long, plain robes. Her face downloa completely bloodless. As she passed the dementors, Harry saw her shudder. He did it instinctively, without any Pubg game download for computer chromebook of plan, because he hated the sight of her walking alone into the dungeon: As the door began to swing closed, he slipped into the courtroom behind her. It was not the comptuer room in which he had once gmae interrogated for improper use of magic. This computeer was much smaller, though the ceiling was quite as high; it gave the claustrophobic sense of being stuck at the bottom of a deep well. There were more dementors in here, casting their freezing aura dosnload the place; they stood like faceless sentinels in the corners farthest from the high, raised platform. Here, behind a balustrade, sat Umbridge, with Yaxley on one side of her, and Hermione, quite as white-faced as Mrs. Cattermole, on the other. At the foot of the platform, a bright-silver, long-haired cat prowled up and down, up downloar down, and Harry realized that it was there to protect the prosecutors from the despair that emanated from the dementors: That was for the accused to feel, not the accusers. Sit down, said Umbridge in her soft, silky voice. Mrs. Cattermole stumbled to the single seat in the middle of the floor beneath the raised platform. The moment she had sat more info, chains clinked out of the arms of the chair and bound her there. You are Mary Elizabeth Cattermole. asked Umbridge. Mrs. Cattermole gave a single, shaky nod. Married to Reginald Cattermole of the Magical Maintenance Department. Mrs. Cattermole burst into tears. I dont know where he is, he was supposed to meet me here. Umbridge ignored her. Mother to Maisie, Ellie, and Alfred Cattermole. Cjromebook. Cattermole sobbed harder than ever. Theyre frightened, they think I might not come home - Spare us, spat Yaxley. The brats of Mudbloods do not stir our sympathies. Mrs. Cattermoles sobs masked Harrys footsteps as he made his way carefully toward the steps that led up to the raised platform. The moment he had passed the place where the Patronus cat patrolled, he felt the change Pub temperature: It was warm and comfortable here. The Patronus, he continue reading sure, was Umbridges, and it glowed brightly because she was so happy here, in her element, upholding the twisted laws she had helped to write. Slowly and very carefully he edged his way along the platform behind Umbridge, Yaxley, and Hermione, taking a seat behind the latter. He was worried about making Hermione jump. He thought of casting the Muffliato charm upon Umbridge and Yaxley, but even murmuring the chromeobok might cause Hermione alarm. Then Umbridge raised her voice to address Mrs. Cattermole, and Remarkable, steam deck optimized games something seized his chance. Im behind you, he whispered into Hermiones ear. Comuter he had expected, she jumped so violently she forr overturned the bottle of ink with which she was supposed to be recording the interview, but both Umbridge and Yaxley were concentrating upon Mrs. Cattermole, and comouter went unnoticed. A wand was taken from you upon your arrival at the Ministry today, Mrs. Cattermole, Umbridge was saying. Eight-and-three-quarter inches, cherry, unicorn-hair core. Do you recognize that description. Mrs. Cattermole nodded, mopping her eyes on her sleeve. Could you please tell us from which witch or wizard you took that wand. T-took. sobbed Mrs. Cattermole. I didnt t-take it from anybody. I bbought it when I was eleven ffor old. It - it - it - chose me. She cried harder than ever. Umbridge laughed a soft girlish laugh that made Harry want to attack her. She leaned forward over the barrier, the better to observe her victim, and something gold swung forward too, and dangled over the void: the locket. Hermione had seen it; she let out Pubg game download for computer chromebook little squeak, but Umbridge and Yaxley, still intent upon their prey, were deaf to everything else. No, said Umbridge, no, I dont think so, Mrs. Cattermole. Wands only choose witches or wizards. Pubg game download for computer chromebook are not a witch. I have your responses to the questionnaire that was sent to you here - Mafalda, pass them to me. Umbridge held out a small hand: She looked so toadlike at that moment Pbg Harry was quite surprised not to see webs between the stubby fingers. Hermiones hands were shaking with shock. She fumbled in a pile of documents balanced on the chair beside her, Pubg game download for computer chromebook withdrawing a sheaf of parchment with Mrs. Cattermoles name on it. Thats - thats pretty, Dolores, she said, pointing at the pendant gleaming in the ruffled folds of Umbridges blouse. What. snapped Umbridge, glancing down. Oh yes - an old family donwload, she said, patting the locket lying on her large bosom.
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