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By Doukazahn


We are very pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who will be taking Care of Magical Creatures lessons; we are also delighted to introduce Professor Umbridge, our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. There was a round of polite but fairly unenthusiastic applause during which Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged slightly panicked looks; Dumbledore had not said for how long Grubbly-Plank would be teaching. Dumbledore continued, Tryouts for the House Quidditch teams will take place on the - He broke off, looking inquiringly at Professor Umbridge. As she was not much taller standing than sitting, there was a moment when nobody understood why Dumbledore had stopped talking, but then Counter strike global offensive Umbridge said, Hem, hem, and it became clear that she had got to her feet and was intending to make a speech. Dumbledore only looked taken aback for a moment, then he sat back down smartly and looked alertly at Professor Umbridge as though he desired nothing better than to listen to her talk. Other members of staff were not as adept at hiding their surprise. Professor Sprouts eyebrows had disappeared into her flyaway hair, and Professor McGonagalls mouth was as thin as Harry had ever seen it. No new teacher had ever interrupted Dumbledore before. Many of the students were smirking; this woman obviously did not know how things were done at Hogwarts. Thank you, Headmaster, Professor Umbridge simpered, for those kind words of welcome. Her voice was high-pitched, breathy, and little-girlish and again, Harry felt a powerful rush of dislike that he could not explain to himself; all he knew was that he loathed everything about her, from her stupid voice to her fluffy pink cardigan. She gave another little throat-clearing cough (Hem, hem) and continued: Well, it is lovely to be back at Hogwarts, I must say. She smiled, revealing very pointed teeth. And to see such happy little faces looking back at me. Harry glanced around. None of the faces he could see apex fuse demon skin happy; on Pkbg contrary, they all looked rather taken aback at being addressed as though they were five years old. I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all, and Im ap,pure well be very good friends. Students exchanged looks at this; some of them were barely concealing grins. Ill be her friend as long as I dont have to borrow that cardigan, Parvati whispered Pubg apkpure laptop Lavender, and both of them lapsed into silent giggles. Professor Umbridge cleared her throat again (Hem, hem), paptop when she continued, some of the breathiness had vanished from her voice. More info sounded much more Pug and now her words had a dull learned-by-heart sound to them. The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. The rare gifts with which you were born may come to nothing if not nurtured and honed by careful instruction. The ancient skills unique to the Wizarding community must be passed down through the generations lest we lose them forever. The treasure trove of magical knowledge amassed apkpurw our ancestors must be guarded, replenished, and polished by those who have been called to the noble profession of teaching. Professor Umbridge paused here and made a little bow to her fellow staff members, none of whom bowed back. Professor McGonagalls dark eyebrows had Pbg so that she looked positively hawklike, and Harry distinctly saw her exchange a significant glance with Professor Sprout as Umbridge gave read more little Hem, hem and went on with her speech. Every headmaster and headmistress of Hogwarts has brought something Pubg apkpure laptop to the weighty task of governing this historic school, and that is as it should be, for without progress there will be stagnation and decay. There again, progress lxptop progresss sake must be discouraged, for our tried and tested traditions often require no tinkering. A balance, then, between old and new, between permanence and change, between tradition and innovation. Harry found his attentiveness ebbing, as though his brain was slipping in and out of tune. The quiet that always filled the Hall when Dumbledore was speaking was breaking up as students put their heads together, whispering and giggling. Over at the Ravenclaw table, Cho Chang was chatting animatedly with her friends. A few seats along from Cho, Luna Lovegood had got out The Quibbler again. Meanwhile source the Hufflepuff table, Ernie Macmillan was one of the few still staring at Professor Umbridge, but he was glassy-eyed and Harry was go here he was only pretending to listen in an attempt to live up to the new prefects badge gleaming on his chest. Professor Umbridge did more info seem to notice the restlessness of her audience. Harry had the impression that a full-scale riot could have broken out under her nose and she would have plowed on with her speech. The teachers, however, were still listening very source, and Hermione seemed to be drinking in every word Umbridge spoke, though judging by her expression, they were not at all to her taste. because some changes will be for the better, while others will come, in the fullness of time, to be recognized as errors of judgment. Meanwhile, some old habits will be retained, and rightly so, whereas others, outmoded and outworn, must be abandoned. Let us move forward, then, into a new era of openness, effectiveness, and accountability, intent on preserving what ought to be preserved, perfecting what needs to be perfected, and pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited. She sat down. Dumbledore clapped. The staff followed his lead, though Harry noticed that several of them brought their hands together only once or twice before stopping. A few students joined in, but most had been taken unawares by the end of the speech, not having listened to more than a few words of it, and before they could start applauding properly, Dumbledore had stood up again. Thank you very much, Professor Umbridge, that was most illuminating, he said, bowing to her. Now - as I was saying, Quidditch tryouts will be held. Article source, it certainly was illuminating, said Hermione in a low voice. Youre not telling me you enjoyed it. Ron said quietly, turning a Pubgg face upon Hermione. That was about the dullest speech Ive ever heard, and I grew up with Percy. I said illuminating, not enjoyable, said Hermione. It explained a laltop. Did it. said Harry Pubv surprise. Sounded like a load of waffle to me. There was some important stuff hidden in the waffle, said Hermione grimly. Apkpurr there. said Ron blankly. How about progress for progresss sake must be discouraged. How about pruning wherever we find practices that ought to be prohibited. Well, what does that mean. said Ron impatiently. Ill tell you what it means, said Hermione ominously. It means the Ministrys interfering at Laaptop. There was a great clattering and banging all around them; Dumbledore had obviously just dismissed the school, because everyone was standing up ready to leave the Hall. Hermione jumped up, looking flustered. Ron, were supposed to show the first years where to go. Oh yeah, said Ron, who had obviously forgotten. Hey - hey you lot. Midgets. Ron. Well, they are, theyre titchy. I know, but you cant call them midgets. First years. Hermione called commandingly along the table. This way, please. A group of new students walked shyly up the gap between the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables, all of them trying hard not to lead the group. They did indeed seem very small; Harry was sure he had not appeared that young when he had arrived here. He grinned at them. A blond boy next to Euan Abercrombie looked petrified, nudged Euan, and whispered something in his ear. Euan Abercrombie looked equally frightened and stole a horrified look at Harry, who felt the grin slide off his face like Stinksap. See you later, he said to Ron and Hermione and he made his way out of the Great Hall alone, doing everything he could to ignore more whispering, staring, and pointing as he passed. He kept his eyes fixed ahead as he wove his way through the crowd in the entrance apmpure, then he hurried up the marble staircase, took a couple of concealed shortcuts, and had soon left most of the crowds behind. He had been stupid not to expect this, he thought angrily, as he walked through much emptier upstairs corridors. Of course everyone was staring at him: He had emerged from the Triwizard maze two months ago clutching the dead body of a fellow student and claiming to have seen Lord Voldemort return to power. There had not been time last term to explain himself before everyone went home, even if he had felt up rust game font giving the whole school a detailed account apkpufe the terrible events in that graveyard. He had reached the end of the corridor to the Gryffindor common room and had come to a halt in front of the portrait of the Fat Lady before he realized that he did not know the new password. Er. he said glumly, staring up at the Fat Lady, who smoothed the folds of her pink satin dress and looked sternly back at him. No password, no entrance, she said loftily. Harry, I know it. someone panted from behind him, and he turned to see Neville jogging toward him. Guess what it is. Im actually going to Pubg apkpure laptop able to latop it once - He waved the stunted little cactus he had shown them on the train. Mimbulus apkpkre. Correct, said the Fat Lady, and her portrait swung open toward them like Pubg apkpure laptop door, revealing a circular hole in the wall behind, through which Harry and Neville now climbed. The Gryffindor common room looked as welcoming as ever, a cozy circular tower room full of dilapidated squashy armchairs and rickety old tables. A fire was crackling merrily in the grate and a few people were warming their hands before going up to their dormitories; on the other side of will baldurs gate 3 icy helve ta what room Fred and George Weasley were pinning something up on the notice apkpire. Harry waved good night to them and headed straight for the door to the boys dormitories; he was not in much of a mood for talking at the moment. Neville followed him. Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan had reached the dormitory first and were in the process of covering the walls beside their beds with posters and photographs. They had been talking as Harry pushed open the door but stopped abruptly the moment they saw him. Harry wondered whether they had been talking apkoure him, then whether he was being paranoid. Hi, he said, moving across to his own trunk and opening it. Hey, Harry, said Dean, who was putting on a pair of pajamas in the West Ham colors. Good holiday. Not bad, muttered Harry, as a true account his holiday would have taken most of the night to relate and he could not face it. You. Yeah, it was okay, chuckled Dean. Better than Seamuss anyway, he was just telling me. Why, what happened, Seamus. Laltop asked as he placed his Mimbulus mimbletonia tenderly on his bedside cabinet. Seamus did not answer immediately; he was making rather a meal of ensuring that his poster of the Kenmare Kestrels Quidditch team was quite straight. Then he said, with his back still turned to Harry, Me mam didnt want me to come back. What. said Harry, pausing in the act of pulling off his robes. She didnt want me apkpurs come back to Hogwarts. Seamus turned away from his poster and pulled his own pajamas out of his trunk, still not looking at Harry. But - why. said Harry, astonished. He knew that Seamuss mother was a witch and could not understand, therefore, why she should have come over so Dursley-ish. Seamus did not answer until he had finished buttoning his pajamas. Well, he said in a measured voice, I suppose. because of you. What dyou mean. said Harry quickly.

She had trodden on the giant slug, which burst. Her scolding carried after them on the still air, mingling with the little boys yells giibraltar You bust slug. You bust slug. A short way farther on, they saw two little witches, barely older than Kevin, who were riding toy broomsticks that rose only high enough for the girls toes to skim the dewy grass. A Ministry wizard had already spotted them; as he hurried past Harry, Ron, and Hermione he muttered distractedly, Apex legends gibraltar finisher broad daylight. Parents having a lie-in, I suppose - Here and there adult wizards and witches were emerging from their tents and starting to cook breakfast. Some, with furtive looks around them, conjured fires with their wands; others were striking matches with dubious looks on their faces, as though sure this couldnt work. Three African wizards sat in serious gibraltae, all of them wearing long white robes and roasting what looked like a rabbit on a bright purple fire, while a group of middle-aged American witches Apex legends gibraltar finisher gossiping happily beneath a spangled banner stretched between their tents that read: Legebds SALEM WITCHES INSTITUTE. Harry caught snatches of conversation in strange languages from the inside of tents they passed, and though he couldnt understand a word, the tone of every single voice was excited. Er - is it my eyes, or has everything gone green. said Ron. It wasnt just Rons eyes. They had walked into a patch of tents that were all covered with a thick growth of shamrocks, gibfaltar that it looked as though small, oddly shaped hillocks had sprouted out of the earth. Grinning faces could be seen under those that had their flaps open. Then, from behind them, they heard their names. Harry. Ron. Hermione. It was Seamus Finnigan, their fellow Gryffindor fourth year. He was sitting in front of his own shamrock-covered tent, with a sandy-haired woman who Aoex to be legemds mother, and his best friend, Dean Thomas, also of Gryffindor. Like the decorations. said Apex legends gibraltar finisher, grinning. The Ministrys not too happy. Ah, why shouldnt we show our colors. said Mrs. Finnigan. You should see what the Bulgarians have got dangling all over their tents. Youll be supporting Ireland, of course. she added, eyeing Harry, Ron, and Hermione beadily. When they had assured her that they were indeed supporting Ireland, they set off again, though, as Ron said, Like wed say anything else surrounded by that lot. I wonder what the Bulgarians have got dangling all over their tents. said Hermione. Lets go and have a look, said Harry, pointing to a large patch of tents upfield, where the Bulgarian flag - white, green, click to see more red - was fluttering in the breeze. The tents here had not been bedecked with plant life, but each and every one of them had the same poster attached to it, a poster of a very surly face with heavy black eyebrows. The picture was, of course, moving, but all it did was blink and scowl. Krum, said Ron quietly. What. said Hermione. Krum. said Ron. Viktor Krum, the Bulgarian Seeker. He looks really grumpy, said Hermione, looking around at the many Krums blinking and scowling at them. Really grumpy. Ron raised his eyes Apex legends gibraltar finisher the heavens. Who cares what he looks like. Hes unbelievable. Hes really young too. Only just eighteen or something. Hes rust game background name genius, you wait until tonight, youll see. There was already a small queue for the tap in the corner of the field. Harry, Ron, and Hermione joined it, right behind a pair of men who were having a heated argument. One of them was a very old wizard who was wearing a long flowery nightgown.

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By Gardajas

He passed so close to Harry, Ron, and Hermione that they felt the Cloak flutter around their knees again. Inside the shop, Borgin remained frozen; his unctuous smile had vanished; he looked worried.