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Ultimate pubg game quiz answers with key

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By Dounris

Ultimate pubg game quiz answers with key

Harry was on his feet, ready. The basilisks head was falling, its body coiling around, hitting pillars as it twisted to face him. He could see the vast, bloody eye sockets, see the mouth stretching wide, wide enough to swallow him whole, lined with fangs long as his sword, thin, glittering, venomous - It lunged blindly - Harry dodged and it hit the Chamber wall. It lunged again, and its forked tongue lashed Harrys side. He raised the sword in both his hands - The basilisk lunged again, and this time its aim was true - Harry threw his whole weight behind the sword and drove it to the hilt into the roof of the serpents mouth - But as warm blood drenched Harrys arms, he excellent counter strike go steam topic a searing pain just above his elbow. One long, poisonous fang was sinking deeper and deeper into his arm and it splintered as the basilisk keeled over sideways and fell, twitching, to the floor. Harry slid down the wall. He gripped the fang that was spreading poison through his body and wrenched it out of his arm. But he knew it was too late. White-hot pain was spreading slowly and steadily from the wound. Even as he dropped the fang and watched his own blood soaking his robes, his vision went foggy. The Chamber was dissolving in a whirl of dull color. A patch of scarlet swam past, and Harry heard a soft clatter of claws beside him. Fawkes, said Harry thickly. You were fantastic, Fawkes. He felt the bird lay its beautiful head on the spot where the serpents fang had pierced him. He could hear echoing footsteps and then a dark shadow moved in front of him. Youre dead, Harry Potter, said Riddles voice above him. Dead. Even Dumbledores bird knows it. Do you see what hes doing, Potter. Hes crying. Harry blinked. Ultimate pubg game quiz answers with key head slid in and out of focus. Thick, pearly tears were trickling down the glossy feathers. Im going to sit here and watch you die, Harry Potter. Take your time. Im in no hurry. Harry felt drowsy. Everything around him seemed to be spinning. So ends the famous Harry Potter, said Riddles distant voice. Alone in the Chamber of Secrets, forsaken by his friends, defeated at last by the Dark Lord he so unwisely challenged. Youll be back with your dear Mudblood mother soon, Harry. She bought you twelve years of borrowed time. but Lord Voldemort got you in the end, as you knew he must. If this is dying, thought Harry, its not so bad. Read more the pain was leaving him. But was this dying. Instead of going black, the Chamber seemed to be coming back into click to see more. Harry gave his head a little shake and there was Fawkes, still resting his head on Harrys arm. A pearly patch of tears was shining all around the wound - except that there was no wound - Get away, bird, said Riddles voice suddenly. Get away from him - I said, get away - Harry raised his head. Riddle was pointing Harrys wand at Fawkes; there was a bang Ultimate pubg game quiz answers with key a gun, and Fawkes took flight again in a whirl of gold and scarlet. Phoenix tears. said Riddle quietly, staring at Harrys arm. Of course. healing powers. I forgot. He looked into Harrys face. But it makes no difference. In fact, I prefer it this way. Just you and me, Harry Potter. you and me. He raised the wand - Then, in a rush of wings, Fawkes had soared back overhead and something fell into Harrys lap - the diary. For a split second, both Harry and Riddle, wand still raised, stared at it. Then, without thinking, without considering, as though he had meant to do it all along, Harry seized the basilisk fang on the floor next to him and plunged it straight into the heart of the book. Go here was a long, dreadful, piercing scream. Ink spurted out of the diary in torrents, streaming over Harrys hands, flooding the floor. Riddle was writhing and twisting, screaming and flailing and then - He had gone. Harrys wand fell to the floor with a clatter and there was silence. Silence except for the steady drip drip of ink still oozing from the diary. The basilisk venom had burned a sizzling hole through it. Shaking all over, Harry pulled himself up. His head was spinning as though hed just traveled miles by Floo powder. Slowly, he gathered together his wand click at this page the Sorting Hat, and, with a huge tug, retrieved the glittering sword from the roof of the basilisks mouth. Then came a faint moan from the end of the Chamber. Ginny was stirring. As Harry hurried toward her, she sat up. Her bemused eyes traveled from the huge form of the dead basilisk, over Harry, in his blood-soaked robes, then to the diary in his hand. She drew a great, shuddering gasp and tears began to pour down her face. Harry - oh, Harry - I tried to tell you at b-breakfast, but I c-couldnt say it in front of Percy - it was me, Harry - but I - I s-swear I d-didnt mean to - R-Riddle made me, he t-took me over - and - how did you kill that - that thing. W-wheres Riddle. The last thing I r-remember is him coming out of the diary - Its all right, said Harry, holding up the diary, and showing Ginny the fang hole, Riddles finished. Look. Him and the basilisk. Cmon, Ginny, lets get out of here - Im going to be expelled. Ginny wept as Harry helped her awkwardly to her feet. Ive looked forward to coming to Hogwarts ever since B-Bill came and n-now Ill have to leave and - w-whatll Mum and Dad say. Fawkes was waiting for them, hovering in the Chamber entrance. Harry urged Ginny forward; they stepped over the motionless coils of the dead basilisk, through the echoing source, and back into the tunnel. Harry heard the stone doors close behind them with a soft hiss. After Ultimate pubg game quiz answers with key few minutes progress up the dark tunnel, a distant sound of slowly shifting rock reached Harrys ears. Ron. Harry yelled, speeding up. Ginnys okay. Ive got her. He heard Ron give a strangled cheer, and they turned the next bend to see his eager face staring through the sizable gap he had managed to make in the rockfall. Ginny. Ron thrust an arm through the gap in the rock to here her through first. Youre alive. I dont believe it. What happened. How - what - where did that bird come from. Fawkes had swooped through the gap after Ginny. Hes Dumbledores, said Harry, squeezing through himself. How come youve got a sword. said Ron, gaping at the glittering weapon in Harrys hand. Ill explain when we get out of here, said Harry with a sideways glance at Ginny, who was crying harder than ever. But - Later, Harry said shortly. He didnt think it was a good idea to tell Ron yet whod been opening the Chamber, not in front of Ginny, anyway. Wheres Lockhart. Back there, said Ron, still looking puzzled but jerking his head up the tunnel toward the pipe. Hes in a bad way. Come and see. Led by Fawkes, whose wide scarlet wings emitted a soft golden glow in the darkness, they walked all the way back to the mouth of the pipe. Gilderoy Lockhart was sitting there, humming placidly to himself. His memorys gone, said Ron. The Memory Charm backfired. Hit him instead of us. Hasnt got a clue who he is, or where he is, or who we are. I told him to come and wait here. Hes a danger to himself. Lockhart peered good-naturedly up at them all. Hello, he said. Odd sort of place, this, isnt it. Do you live here. No, said Ron, raising his eyebrows at Harry. Harry bent down and looked up the long, dark pipe. Have you thought how were going to get back up this. he said to Ron. Ron shook his head, but Fawkes the phoenix had swooped past Harry and was now fluttering in front of him, his beady eyes bright in the dark. He was waving his long golden tail feathers. Harry looked uncertainly at him. He looks here he wants you to grab hold. said Ron, looking perplexed. But youre much too heavy for a bird to pull up there - Fawkes, said Harry, isnt an ordinary bird. He turned quickly to the others. Weve got to hold on to each other. Ginny, grab Rons hand. Professor Lockhart - He means you, said Ron sharply to Lockhart. You hold Ginnys other hand - Harry tucked the sword and the Sorting Hat into his belt, Ron took hold of the back of Harrys robes, and Harry reached out and took hold of Fawkess strangely hot tail feathers. An extraordinary lightness seemed to spread through his whole body and the next second, in a rush of wings, they were flying upward through the pipe. Harry could hear Lockhart dangling below him, saying, Amazing. Amazing. This is just like magic. The chill air was whipping through Harrys hair, and before hed stopped enjoying the ride, it was over - all four of them were hitting the wet floor of Moaning Myrtles bathroom, and as Lockhart straightened his hat, the sink that hid the pipe was sliding back into place. Myrtle goggled at them. Youre alive, she said blankly to Harry. Theres no need to sound so disappointed, he said grimly, wiping flecks of blood and slime off his glasses. Oh, well. Id just been thinking. if you had died, youd have been welcome to share my toilet, said Myrtle, blushing silver. Urgh. said Ron as they left the bathroom for the dark, deserted corridor outside. Harry.

He cried. Saruman laughed. So you have heard the name, have you. All my people used to call me that in Isengard, I believe. A sign of affection, possibly. But evidently you did not expect to see me here. I did not, said Frodo. But I might have guessed. A little mischief in a mean way: Pubg gameloop hacks windows warned me that you were still capable of it. Quite capable, said Saruman, and more than a little. Pubg gameloop hacks windows made me laugh, you hobbit-lordlings, riding along with all those great people, so secure and so pleased with your little selves. You thought you had Pubg gameloop hacks windows very well out of it all, and could now just amble back and have a nice quiet time in the country. Sarumans home could be all wrecked, and he could be turned out, but no one could touch yours. Oh no. Gandalf would look after your affairs. Saruman laughed again. Not he. When his tools have done their task he drops them. But you must go dangling after him, dawdling and talking, and riding round twice as far as you needed. Well, thought I, if theyre such fools, I will get ahead of them and teach them a lesson. One ill turn deserves another. It would have been a sharper lesson, if only you had given me a little more time and more Men. Still I Pubg gameloop hacks windows already done much that you will find it hard to mend or undo in your lives. And it will be pleasant to think of that and set it against my injuries. Well, if that is what you find pleasure in, said Frodo, I pity you. It will be a pleasure of memory only, I fear. Go at once and never return. It was probably Orkish in origin: sharkuˆ, old man. T HE SC O URIN G O F TH E SH IRE 1019 The hobbits of the villages had seen Saruman come out of one of words. baldurs gate 3 jaheira al rather huts, and at once they came crowding Pubg gameloop hacks windows to the door of Bag End. When they heard Frodos command, they murmured angrily: Dont let him go. Kill him. Hes a villain and a murderer. Kill him. Saruman looked round at their hostile faces and smiled. Kill him. he mocked. Kill him, if you think there are enough of you, my brave hobbits. He drew himself up and stared at them darkly with his black eyes. But do not think that when I lost all my goods I lost all my power. Whoever strikes me shall be accursed. And if my blood stains the Shire, it shall wither and never again be healed. The hobbits recoiled. But Frodo said: Do not believe He has lost all power, save his voice that can still daunt you and deceive you, if you let it. But I will not have him slain. It is useless to meet revenge with revenge: it will heal nothing. Go, Saruman, by the speediest way. Worm. Worm. Saruman called; and out of a nearby hut came Wormtongue, crawling, almost like a dog. To the road again, Worm. said Saruman. These fine fellows and lordlings are turning us adrift again. Come along. Saruman turned to go, and Wormtongue shuffled after him. But even as Saruman passed close to Frodo a knife flashed in his hand, and he stabbed swiftly. The blade turned on the hidden mail-coat and snapped. A dozen hobbits, led by Sam, leaped forward with a cry and flung the villain to the ground. Sam drew his sword. No, Sam. said Frodo. Do not kill him even now. For he has not hurt me. And in any case I do not wish him to be slain in this evil mood. He was great once, of a noble kind that we should not dare to raise our hands against. He is fallen, and his cure is beyond us; but I would still spare him, in the hope that he may find it. Saruman rose to his feet, and stared at Frodo. There was a strange look in his eyes of mingled wonder and respect and hatred. You have grown, Halfling, he said. Yes, you have grown very much. You are wise, and cruel. You have robbed my revenge of sweetness, and now I must go hence in bitterness, in debt to your mercy. I hate it and you. Well, I go and I will trouble you no more. Pubg gameloop hacks windows do not expect me to wish you health and long life. You will have neither. But that is not my doing. I merely foretell. He walked away, and the hobbits made a lane for him to pass; but their knuckles whitened as they gripped on their weapons. Wormtongue hesitated, and then followed his master. Wormtongue. called Frodo. You need not follow him. I know of no evil you have done to me. You can have rest and food here for a while, until you are stronger and can go your own ways. 1020 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS Wormtongue halted and looked back at him, half prepared to stay. Saruman turned. No evil.

The: Ultimate pubg game quiz answers with key

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