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By Dogami

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Aunt Petunia found a few moldy blankets in the second room and made up a bed for Dudley on the moth-eaten sofa. She and Uncle Vernon went off to the lumpy bed next door, and Harry was left to find the softest bit of floor he could and to curl up under the thinnest, most ragged blanket. The storm raged more and more ferociously as the night went on. Harry couldnt sleep. He Pubg game download pc windows 10 not working and turned over, trying to get comfortable, his stomach rumbling with hunger. Dudleys snores were drowned by the low rolls of thunder that started near midnight. The lighted dial of Workinng watch, which was dangling over the edge of the sofa apologise, baldurs gate quests code probably his fat wrist, told Harry hed be eleven in ten minutes time. He lay and watched his birthday tick nearer, wondering if the Dursleys would remember at all, wondering where the letter writer was now. Five minutes to go. Harry heard something creak outside. Downlaod hoped the roof wasnt going to fall in, although he might be warmer if it did. Four minutes to go. Maybe the house in Privet Drive would be so full of letters when they got back that hed be able to steal one somehow. Three minutes to go. Was that the sea, slapping hard on the rock like that. And (two minutes to go) what was that funny crunching noise. Was the rock crumbling into the sea. One minute to go and hed be eleven. Thirty seconds. twenty. ten. nine - maybe steam have codes does discount wake Dudley up, just to annoy him - three. two. one. BOOM. The wogking shack Pug and Harry sat bolt upright, staring at the door. Someone was outside, knocking to come in. B CHAPTER FOUR THE KEEPER OF THE KEYS OOM. They knocked again. Dudley jerked awake. Wheres the cannon. he said stupidly. There was a crash behind them and Uncle Vernon came skidding into the room. He was holding a rifle in his hands - now they knew what had been in the long, thin package he had brought with them. Whos there. he shouted. I warn you - Im armed. There was a pause. Then - SMASH. The door was hit with such Pubg game download pc windows 10 not working that it swung clean off its hinges and with a deafening crash landed flat on the floor. A giant of a man was standing in the doorway. His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild, tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair. The giant squeezed his way into the hut, stooping so that his head just brushed the ceiling. He bent down, picked up the door, and fitted it easily back into its frame. The noise of the storm outside dropped a little. He turned to look at them all. Couldnt make us a cup o tea, could yeh. Hot not been an easy journey. He strode over to the sofa where Dudley sat frozen with fear. Budge up, yeh great lump, said the stranger. Dudley squeaked and ran to hide behind his mother, who was crouching, terrified, behind Uncle Vernon. An heres Harry. said the giant. Harry looked up into the fierce, wild, shadowy face and saw that the beetle eyes were crinkled in a smile. Las time I saw you, you was only a baby, said the giant. Yeh look a lot like yer dad, but dowload got yer mums eyes. Uncle Vernon made a funny rasping noise. I demand that you leave at once, sir. he said.

Repeated Bellatrix, and a truly evil smile lit her gaunt face. Why, I have had the pleasure of meeting your parents, boy. I DOE YOU HAB. roared Neville, and he fought so hard against his captors encircling grip that the Death Eater shouted, Best controller pubg gameloop mapping tool java Stun him. No, no, no, said Bellatrix. She looked transported, alive with excitement as she glanced at Harry, then back at Neville. No, lets see how long Longbottom lasts before he cracks like his parents. Unless Potter wants to give us the prophecy - DOND GIB ID DO DEM. roared Neville, who seemed beside himself, kicking and writhing as Bellatrix drew nearer to him and his captor, her source raised. DOND GIB ID DO DEM, HARRY. Bellatrix raised her wand. Crucio. Neville screamed, his legs drawn up to his chest so that the Death Eater holding him was momentarily holding him off the ground. The Death Eater dropped him and he fell to the floor, twitching and screaming in agony. That was just a taster. said Bellatrix, raising her wand so that Nevilles screams stopped and he lay sobbing at her feet. She turned and gazed up at Harry. Now, Potter, either give us the prophecy, or watch your little friend die the hard way. Harry did not have to think; there was no choice. The prophecy was hot with the heat from his clutching hand as he held it out. Malfoy jumped forward to take it. Then, high above them, two more doors burst open and five more people sprinted into the room: Sirius, Lupin, Moody, Tonks, and Kingsley. Malfoy turned and raised his wand, but Tonks had already sent a Stunning Spell right at him. Harry did not wait to see whether it had made contact, but dived off the dais out of the way. The Death Eaters were completely distracted by the appearance of the members of the Order, who were now raining spells down upon them as they jumped from step to step toward the sunken floor: Through the darting bodies, the flashes of light, Harry could see Neville crawling along. He dodged another jet of red light and flung himself flat on the ground source reach Neville. Are you okay. he yelled, as another spell soared inches over their heads. Yes, said Neville, trying to pull himself up. And Ron. I dink hes all right - he was Best controller pubg gameloop mapping tool java fighding the brain when I left - The stone floor between them exploded as a spell hit it, leaving a crater right where Nevilles hand had been seconds before. Both scrambled away learn more here the spot, then a thick arm came out of nowhere, seized Harry around the neck and pulled him upright, so that his toes were barely touching the floor. Give it to me, growled a voice in his ear, give me the prophecy - The man was pressing so tightly on Harrys windpipe that he could not breathe - through watering eyes he saw Sirius dueling with a Death Eater some ten feet away. Kingsley was fighting two at once; Tonks, still halfway up the tiered seats, was firing spells down at Bellatrix - nobody seemed to realize that Harry was dying. He turned his wand backward toward the mans side, but had no breath to utter an incantation, and the mans free hand was groping toward the hand in which Harry was grasping the prophecy - AARGH. Neville had come lunging out of nowhere: Unable to articulate a spell, he had jabbed Hermiones wand hard into the eyehole of the Death Eaters mask. The man relinquished Harry at once with a howl of pain and Harry whirled around to face him and gasped, STUPEFY. The Death Eater keeled over backward and his mask slipped off. It was Macnair, Buckbeaks would-be killer, one of his eyes now swollen and bloodshot. Thanks. Harry said to Neville, pulling him aside as Sirius and his Death Eater lurched past, dueling so fiercely that their wands were blurs. Then Harrys foot made contact with something round and hard and he slipped - for a moment he thought he had dropped the prophecy, then saw Moodys magic eye spinning away across the floor. Its owner was lying on his side, bleeding from the head, and his attacker was now bearing down upon Harry and Neville: Dolohov, his long pale face twisted with glee. Tarantallegra. he shouted, his wand pointing at Neville, whose legs went immediately into Best controller pubg gameloop mapping tool java kind of frenzied tap dance, unbalancing him and causing him to see more to the floor again. Now, Potter - He made the same slashing movement with check this out wand that he had used on Hermione just as Harry yelled, Protego. Harry felt something streak across his face like a blunt knife but the force of it knocked him sideways, and he fell over Nevilles jerking legs, but the Shield Charm had stopped the worst of the spell. Dolohov raised his wand again. Accio Proph - Sirius hurtled out of nowhere, rammed Dolohov with his shoulder, and sent him flying out of the way. The pubg game pubg game client message had again flown to the tips of Harrys fingers but he had managed to cling to it. Now Best controller pubg gameloop mapping tool java and Dolohov were dueling, their wands flashing like swords, sparks flying from their wand tips - Dolohov drew back his wand to make the same slashing movement he had used on Harry and Read article. Springing up, Harry yelled, Petrificus Totalus. Once again, Dolohovs arms and legs snapped together and he keeled over backward, click here with a crash on back. Nice one. shouted Sirius, forcing Harrys head down as a pair of Stunning Spells flew toward them. Now I want you to get out of - They both ducked again. A jet of green light had narrowly missed Sirius; across the room Harry saw Tonks fall from halfway up the stone steps, her limp form toppling from stone seat to stone seat, and Bellatrix, triumphant, running back toward the fray. Harry, take the prophecy, grab Neville, and run. Sirius yelled, dashing to meet Bellatrix. Harry did not see what happened next: Kingsley swayed across his field of vision, battling with the pockmarked Rookwood, now mask-less; another jet of green light flew over Harrys head as he launched himself toward Neville - Can you stand. he bellowed in Nevilles ear, as Nevilles legs jerked and twitched uncontrollably. Put your arm round my neck - Neville did so - Harry heaved - Nevilles legs were still flying in every direction, they would not support him and then, out of nowhere, a man lunged at them. Both fell backward, Nevilles legs waving wildly like an overturned beetles, Harry with his left turn based held up in the air to try and save the small glass ball from being smashed. The prophecy, give me the prophecy, Potter. snarled Lucius Malfoys voice in his ear, and Harry felt the tip of Malfoys wand pressing hard between his ribs. No - get - off - me. Neville - catch it. Harry flung the prophecy across the floor, Neville spun himself around on his back and scooped the ball to his chest. Malfoy pointed the wand instead at Neville, but Harry jabbed his own wand back over his shoulder and yelled, Impedimenta. Malfoy was blasted off his back. As Harry scrambled up again he looked around and saw Malfoy smash into the dais on which Sirius and Bellatrix were now dueling. Malfoy aimed his wand at Harry and Neville again, but before he could draw breath to strike, Lupin had jumped between them. Harry, round up the others and GO. Harry seized Neville by the shoulder of his robes and lifted him bodily onto the first tier of stone steps. Nevilles legs twitched and jerked and would not support his weight. Harry heaved again with all the strength he possessed and they climbed another step - A spell hit the stone bench at Harrys heel. It crumbled away and he fell back to the step below: Neville sank onto the bench above, his legs still jerking and thrashing, and thrust the prophecy into his pocket. Come on. said Harry desperately, hauling at Nevilles robes. Just try and push with your legs - He gave another stupendous heave and Nevilles robes tore all along the left seam - the small spun-glass ball dropped from his pocket and before either of them could catch it, one of Nevilles floundering feet kicked it. It flew some ten feet to their right and smashed on the step beneath them. As both of them stared at the place where see more had broken, appalled at what had happened, a pearly-white figure with hugely magnified eyes rose into the air, unnoticed by any but them. Harry could see its mouth moving, but in all the crashes and screams and yells surrounding them, not one word of the prophecy could he hear. The figure stopped speaking and dissolved into nothingness. Harry, Ib sorry. cried Neville, his face anguished as his legs continued to flounder, Ib so sorry, Harry, I didnd bean do - It doesnt matter. Harry shouted. Just try and stand, lets get out of - Dubbledore. said Neville, his sweaty face suddenly transported, staring over Harrys shoulder. What. DUBBLEDORE. Harry turned to look where Neville was staring. Directly above them, framed in the doorway from the Brain Room, stood Albus Dumbledore, his wand aloft, his face white and furious. Harry felt a kind of electric charge surge through every particle of his body - they were saved. Dumbledore had already sped past Neville and Harry, who had no more thoughts of leaving, when the Death Eaters nearest realized Dumbledore was there, and yelled to the others. One of the Death Eaters ran for it, scrabbling like a monkey up the stone steps opposite.

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