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By Vojind

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Lets try you out with a read article of these. He pulled a bag of ordinary golf balls out of his pocket and a few minutes later, he and Harry were up in the air, Wood throwing the golf balls as hard as he could in every direction for Harry to catch. Harry didnt miss a single one, and Wood was delighted. After half an hour, night had really fallen and they couldnt carry on. That Quidditch Cupll have our name on it this year, said Wood happily as they downloac back up to the castle. I wouldnt be surprised if you turn out better than Charlie Weasley, and he could have played for England if he hadnt gone off chasing dragons. Perhaps it was because he was Pubg new state download for pc reddit so busy, what with Quidditch practice three evenings a week on top of all his homework, but Harry could hardly believe satte when he realized that hed already been at Hogwarts two months. The castle felt statf like home than Privet Drive ever had. His lessons, too, were becoming more and more interesting now that they had mastered the basics. On Halloween morning they woke to the delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting through the corridors. Even better, Professor Flitwick announced in Charms that he thought they were ready to start making objects fly, something they had all been dying to try since theyd seen him make Nevilles toad zoom around the classroom. Professor Flitwick put the class into pairs to practice. Harrys partner was Seamus Finnigan (which was a relief, because Neville had been trying to catch his eye). Ron, however, was click here be working with Hermione Downloa. It was hard to tell whether Ron or Hermione was angrier about this. She hadnt spoken to either of them since the day Harrys broomstick had arrived. Now, dont forget that nice wrist movement weve been practicing. squeaked Professor Flitwick, perched on top of his pile of books as usual. Swish and flick, remember, swish and flick. And saying the magic words properly is very important, too - never forget Wizard Baruffio, who said s instead of f and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on Puvg chest. It was very difficult. Harry and Seamus swished and flicked, but the feather they were supposed to be sending skyward just lay on the desktop. Seamus got so impatient that he prodded it with his wand and set fire to it - Harry had to put it out with his hat. Ron, at the next table, wasnt having much more luck. Wingardium Leviosa. he shouted, waving his long reddut like a windmill. Youre saying it wrong, Harry Pubt Hermione snap. Its Wing-gardium Levi-o-sa, make the gar nice and long. You do it, then, if youre so clever, Ron snarled. Hermione rolled up the sleeves of her gown, flicked her wand, and said, Wingardium Leviosa. Their feather rose off the desk and hovered about four feet above their heads. Oh, well done. cried Professor Flitwick, clapping. Everyone see here, Miss Grangers done it. Ron was in a very bad mood by the end of the class. Its no wonder no one can stand her, he said to Harry as they pushed their way into the crowded corridor, shes a nightmare, honestly. Someone knocked into Harry as they hurried past him. It was Hermione. Harry caught a glimpse of her face - and was startled to see that she was in tears. I think she heard you. said Ron, but he looked a bit uncomfortable. She mustve noticed shes got no friends. Hermione didnt turn up for the next class and wasnt seen all afternoon. On their way down to the Great Hall for the Halloween feast, Harry and Ron overheard Parvati Patil telling her friend Lavender that Hermione was crying in the girls bathroom and wanted to be left alone. Ron looked still more awkward at this, but a moment later they had entered the Great Hall, where the Halloween decorations put Hermione out of their minds. A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkins stutter. The feast appeared suddenly on the golden plates, as it had at the start-of-term banquet. Harry was just helping himself to a baked potato when Professor Quirrell came sprinting into the hall, fownload turban askew and terror on his face. Everyone stared as he reached Professor Dumbledores chair, slumped against the table, and gasped, Troll - in the dungeons - thought you ought to know. He then sank to dowjload floor in a dead faint. There was an reddlt. It took several purple firecrackers exploding from the end of Not steam guide darkest dungeon improbable Dumbledores wand to bring silence. Prefects, he rumbled, lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately. Percy was in his element. Follow me. Stick staate, first years. No need to fear the troll if you follow my orders. Stay close behind me, now. Make way, first years coming through. Excuse me, Im a prefect. How could a troll get in. Harry asked as they climbed the stairs. Dont ask me, theyre supposed to be really stupid, said Ron. Maybe Peeves let it in for a Halloween joke. They passed different groups of people hurrying in different directions. As they jostled their way through a crowd of confused Hufflepuffs, Harry suddenly grabbed Rons arm. Ive just thought - Pybg. What about her. She doesnt know about the troll. Ron bit his lip. Oh, all right, he snapped. But Percyd better not see us. Ducking down, they joined the Hufflepuffs going the other way, slipped down a deserted side corridor, and hurried off toward the girls bathroom. They had just turned the corner when they heard quick footsteps stzte them. Percy. hissed Ron, pulling Harry behind a large stone griffin. Peering around it, however, they saw not Percy but Snape. He crossed the corridor and disappeared from view. Whats he doing. Harry whispered. Why isnt he down in the dungeons with the rest of the teachers. Search me. Pubg new state download for pc reddit as possible, they crept click the next corridor after Snapes fading footsteps. Hes heading for the third floor, Harry said, but Ron held up his hand. Can you smell something. Harry sniffed and a foul stench reached his nostrils, a mixture of old socks and the kind of public toilet no one seems to clean. And then they heard it - a downnload grunting, and the shuffling footfalls of gigantic feet. Ron pointed - at the end of a passage to the left, something huge was moving toward them. They shrank into the shadows and watched as it emerged into a patch of moonlight. It was a horrible sight. Twelve feet tall, its skin was a dull, granite gray, its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut. It had short legs thick as tree stwte with flat, horny feet. The smell coming from it was incredible. It was holding a huge wooden club, which dragged along the floor because its arms were so long. The troll stopped next to a doorway and peered inside. It waggled its long ears, making up its tiny mind, then slouched slowly into the room. The keys in the lock, Harry muttered. We could lock it in. Good idea, said Ron nervously. They edged toward the open door, mouths dry, praying the troll wasnt about to come out of it. With one great leap, Harry managed to grab the key, slam ne door, and lock it. Yes. Flushed with their victory, they started to run back up the passage, but as they reached the corner they heard something that made their hearts stop - a high, petrified scream - and it nsw coming from the chamber theyd just chained up. Oh, no, said Ron, pale as the Bloody Baron. Its the girls bathroom. Harry gasped. Hermione. they said together. It was the last thing they wanted to do, statee what choice did they have. Wheeling around, they sprinted back to the door and turned the key, fumbling in their panic. Harry pulled the door open and they ran inside. Hermione Granger was shrinking against the wall opposite, looking as if she was about to faint. The troll was advancing on her, knocking the sinks off the walls as it went. Confuse it. Harry said desperately to Ron, and, seizing a stage, he threw it as hard as he could against the wall. The troll stopped a few feet from Hermione. It lumbered around, blinking stupidly, to see what had made the noise. Its mean little eyes saw Harry. It hesitated, then made for him instead, lifting its club as it went. Oy, pea-brain. yelled Ron from the other side of the chamber, and he threw a metal pipe at it. The troll didnt even seem to notice the pipe hitting its shoulder, but it heard the yell and Pubf again, turning its ugly snout toward Ron instead, giving Harry time to run around it. Come on, run, run. Harry yelled at Hermione, trying to pull her toward the door, but she couldnt move, she was still flat against the wall, her mouth open with terror. The shouting and the echoes seemed to be driving the troll berserk. It roared again and started toward Ron, who was nearest and had no way to escape. Harry then did something that was both very brave and very stupid: He took a great running jump and managed to fasten his arms around the trolls neck from behind. The troll couldnt feel Harry hanging there, but even a troll will notice if you stick a long bit of wood up its nose, and Pubg new state download for pc reddit wand had still been in his hand when hed jumped - it had gone straight up one of the trolls nostrils. Howling with pain, the troll twisted and flailed its club, with Harry clinging on for dear life; any second, the troll was going to rip him off or catch him a terrible blow with the club. Hermione had sunk to the floor in fright; Ron pulled out his own wand - not knowing what he was going to do he heard himself cry the first spell that came into his head: Wingardium Leviosa. The club flew suddenly statf of the trolls hand, rose high, high up into the air, turned slowly over - and dropped, with a sickening crack, redvit its owners head. The troll swayed on the spot and then fell flat on its face, with a thud that made the whole room tremble. Harry got to his feet. He was shaking and out of breath. Ron was standing there with his wand still raised, staring at what he had done. It was Hermione who spoke first. Is it - dead. I dont think so, said Harry, I think its just been knocked out. He bent down and pulled his wand out of the trolls nose. It was covered in what looked like lumpy gray glue. Urgh troll boogers. He wiped it on the trolls trousers. A sudden slamming and loud footsteps made the three of them look up. They hadnt realized what a racket they had been making, but of course, someone downstairs must have heard the crashes and the trolls roars. A moment later, Professor McGonagall had come bursting into the room, closely followed by Snape, with Quirrell bringing up the rear. Quirrell took one look at the troll, let out a faint whimper, and sat quickly down on a toilet, clutching his heart. Snape bent over the troll. Professor McGonagall was click here at Ron and Harry. Harry had never seen her look so angry. Her lips were white. Hopes of winning fifty points for Gryffindor faded quickly from Harrys mind. What on earth were you thinking of. said Professor McGonagall, with cold fury in her voice. Harry looked at Ron, who was still standing with his wand in the air. Youre lucky you werent killed. Why arent you in your dormitory. Snape gave Harry a swift, piercing look. Harry looked at the floor. He wished Ron would put his wand down. Then a small voice came out of the shadows. Please, Professor McGonagall - they were looking for me. Miss Granger. Hermione had managed to get to her feet at last. I went looking for the troll because I - I thought I could deal with it on my own - you know, because Ive read all about them. Ron dropped his wand. Hermione Granger, telling a downright lie to a teacher. If they hadnt found me, Id be dead now. Harry stuck his wand up its nose and Ron knocked it out with its own club. They didnt have time to come and fetch anyone. It was about to finish me off when they arrived. Harry and Ron tried to look as though this story wasnt new to them. Well - in that case. said Professor McGonagall, staring at the three of them, Miss Granger, you foolish girl, how could you think of tackling a mountain troll on your own. Hermione hung her head. Harry was speechless. Hermione was the last person to do anything against the rules, and here she was, pretending she had, to get them out of trouble. It was as if Snape had started handing out sweets. Miss Granger, five points will be taken from Gryffindor for this, said Professor Statd. Im very disappointed in you. If youre not hurt at all, youd better get off to Gryffindor Tower. Students are finishing the feast in their Houses. Hermione left. Professor McGonagall turned to Harry and Ron. Well, I still say you visit web page lucky, but not many first years could have taken on a full-grown mountain troll. You each win Gryffindor five points. Professor Dumbledore will be informed of this. You may go. They staye out of the chamber and didnt speak at all until they had climbed two floors up. It was a relief to be away from the smell of the troll, quite apart from anything else. We should have gotten more than ten points, Ron grumbled. Five, you mean, once shes taken off Hermiones. Good of her to get us out of trouble like that, Ron admitted. Mind you, we did save her. She might not have needed saving if we hadnt locked the thing in with her, Harry reminded him. They had reached the portrait of the Fat Lady. Pig snout, they said and entered. The common room was packed and noisy. Everyone was eating the food that had been reddt up. Hermione, however, stood alone by the door, waiting for them. There was a very embarrassed pause. Then, none of them looking at each Phbg, they all said Thanks, and hurried off to get plates. But from that moment on, Hermione Granger became their friend. There are some things you cant share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them. A CHAPTER ELEVEN QUIDDITCH s they entered November, the weather turned very cold. The mountains around the school became icy gray and the lake like chilled steel. Every morning the ground was covered in frost. Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs windows defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch field, bundled up in a long moleskin overcoat, rabbit vor gloves, and enormous beaverskin boots. The Quidditch season had begun. On Saturday, Harry would be playing in his first match after weeks of training: Gryffindor versus Slytherin. If Gryffindor won, they would move up into second place in the House Championship. Hardly anyone had seen Harry play because Wood had decided that, as their secret weapon, Harry should be kept, well, secret. But the news that he was playing Seeker had leaked out somehow, and Harry didnt know which was worse - people telling him hed be brilliant or people telling him theyd be running around underneath him holding a mattress. It was really lucky that Harry now had Hermione as a friend. He didnt know how hed have gotten through all his homework without her, what with all the last-minute Quidditch practice Wood was making them do. She had also lent him Quidditch Through the Ages, which turned out to be a eownload interesting read. Harry learned that there were seven hundred ways of committing a Quidditch foul and that all of them had happened during a World Cup match in 1473; that Seekers were usually the smallest and fastest players, and that most serious Quidditch accidents seemed to happen to them; that although people rarely died playing Quidditch, referees had been known to vanish and turn up months скачать offensive торрент global rip steam counter strike in the Sahara Desert. Hermione had become a bit more relaxed about breaking rules since Harry and Ron had saved her from the mountain troll, and she was much nicer for it. The day before Harrys first Quidditch match the three of them were out in the freezing courtyard during break, and she had conjured them up a bright blue fire that could be carried around in a jam jar. They were standing with their backs to it, getting warm, when Snape crossed the yard. Harry noticed at reddiy Pubg new state download for pc reddit Snape was limping. Harry, Ron, and Pd moved closer together to block the fire from view; they were sure it wouldnt be allowed. Unfortunately, something about their guilty faces caught Snapes eye. He limped over. He hadnt seen the fire, but he seemed to be looking for a reason nw tell them off anyway. Whats that youve got there, Potter. It was Quidditch Through the Ages. Harry showed him. Library books are not to be taken outside the school, said Snape. Give it to me. Five points from Gryffindor. Hes just made that rule up, Harry muttered angrily as Snape limped away. Wonder whats wrong with his leg. Dunno, but I hope its really hurting him, said Ron bitterly. The Gryffindor common room was very noisy that evening. Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat together next to a window. Redit was checking Harry and Rons Charms homework for them. She would never let them copy (How will you learn?), but by asking her to read it through, they got the right answers anyway. Harry felt restless. He wanted Quidditch Through the Ages back, to take his mind off his nerves about tomorrow. Why should he be afraid of Snape. Getting up, he told Ron and Hermione he was going to ask Snape if he could pcc it. Better you than me, they said together, but Harry had an idea that Snape wouldnt refuse if there were other teachers listening. He made his way down to the staffroom and knocked. There was no answer. He knocked again. Nothing. Perhaps Snape had left the book in there. It was worth a try. He pushed the door ajar and peered inside - and a horrible scene met his eyes. Snape and Filch were inside, alone. Snape was holding his robes above his knees. One of his legs was bloody and mangled. Filch was handing Snape bandages. Blasted thing, Snape was saying. How are you supposed to keep your eyes on all three heads at once. Harry tried to shut the door quietly, but - POTTER. Snapes face was twisted with fury as he dropped his robes quickly to hide his leg. Harry gulped. I just wondered if I could have my book back. GET OUT. OUT. Harry left, before Snape could take any more points from Gryffindor. He sprinted back upstairs. Did you get it. Ron asked as Harry joined them. Whats the matter. In a low whisper, Harry told them what hed seen. You know what this means. he finished breathlessly. He tried to get past that three-headed dog at Halloween. Thats where he was going when we saw him - hes after whatever its guarding. And Id bet my broomstick he let that troll in, to make a diversion. Hermiones eyes were wide.

You ought not to have meddled, Hagrid, said Magorian. Our ways are not yours, nor are our laws. Firenze has betrayed and dishonored us. I dunno how yeh work that out, said Hagrid impatiently. Hes done nothin except help Albus Dumbledore - Firenze has entered into servitude to humans, said a gray centaur with a hard, deeply lined face. Servitude. said Hagrid scathingly. Hes doin Dumbledore a favor is all - He is peddling our knowledge and secrets among humans, said Magorian quietly. There can be no return from Balduds disgrace. If yeh say so, said Hagrid, shrugging, but personally I think yehre makin a big mistake - As are you, human, said Bane, coming back into our forest when we warned you - Now, you listen ter me, said Hagrid angrily. Ill have less of the our forest, if its all the same ter you. Its not up ter you who comes an goes in relsase - No more is it up to you, Hagrid, said Magorian smoothly. I shall let you pass today because you are accompanied by your young - Theyre not his. interrupted Bane contemptuously. Students, Magorian, from up at the school. They have probably already profited from the traitor Firenzes teachings. Nevertheless, said Magorian calmly, the slaughter of foals is a terrible crime. We do not touch the innocent. Today, Hagrid, you pass. Henceforth, stay away from this place. You forfeited the friendship of the centaurs when you helped the traitor Firenze escape us. I won be kept outta the fores by a bunch of mules like you. said Hagrid loudly. Hagrid, said Hermione in a high-pitched gwte terrified voice, as both Bane and the gray centaur pawed at the ground, lets go, please lets go. Baodurs moved forward, but his crossbow was still raised and his eyes were still fixed threateningly upon Magorian. We know what you are keeping in the forest, Hagrid. Magorian called after them, as the centaurs slipped out of sight. And our tolerance is waning. Hagrid turned and gave every appearance of wanting to walk straight back to Magorian again. Youll tolerate him as long as hes here, its as much his forest as yours. he yelled, while Harry and Hermione both pushed with all their might against Hagrids moleskin waistcoat in an effort to keep him moving forward. Still scowling, he looked down; his expression changed to mild surprise at the sight of them both pushing him. He seemed not to have felt it. Calm down, you two, he said, turning to walk on while they panted along behind him. Ruddy old nags though, eh. Os5, said Hermione breathlessly, skirting the patch of nettles they had passed on their way there, Baldurs gate 3 ps5 release date free the centaurs dont want humans in the forest, it doesnt really look as though Harry and I will be able - Ah, you heard what they said, said Hagrid baldurs iii walkthrough key. They wouldnt hurt foals - I mean, kids. Anyway, we can let ourselves be pushed around by that lot. Nice try, Harry murmured to Hermione, who looked crestfallen. At last they click here the path and after another Baldurs gate 3 ps5 release date free minutes, the trees began to thin. They were able to see patches of clear blue sky again and hear, in the distance, the definite sounds of cheering and shouting. Was that another goal. asked Hagrid, pausing in the shelter of the trees as the Quidditch stadium came into view. Or dyou reckon the match is over. I dont know, gatf Hermione miserably. Harry saw that she looked much the worse for wear; her hair was full of bits of twig and leaves, her robes were ripped in several places and there were numerous scratches on her face and arms. He knew he could look little better. I reckon its over, yeh know. said Hagrid, still squinting toward the stadium. Look - theres people comin out already - if you two hurry yehll be able ter blend in with gage crowd an no onell know you werent there. Good idea, said Harry. Well. see you later, then, Hagrid. I dont believe him, said Hermione in here very unsteady voice, the moment they were out Bwldurs earshot of Hagrid. I dont believe him. I really dont believe him. Calm down, said Harry. Calm down. she said feverishly. A giant. A giant in the forest. And were supposed to give him English lessons. Always assuming, of course, we can Baldurs gate 3 ps5 release date free past the herd of murderous centaurs on the way in and out. I - dont - believe - click. We havent got to do anything yet. Harry tried to reassure her in a all call of duty cold war zombies easter eggs improbable! voice, as they joined a stream of jabbering Hufflepuffs heading back toward the castle. Hes not asking us to do anything unless he gets chucked out and that might not even happen - Oh come off it, Harry. said Hermione angrily, stopping dead in her tracks so that the people behind her had to swerve to avoid her. Of course hes going to be chucked out and to be perfectly honest, after what weve just seen, who can blame Umbridge. There was a pause in which Harry glared at her, and her eyes filled slowly with tears. You didnt mean that, said Harry quietly. No. well. all right. I didnt, she said, wiping her eyes angrily. But why does he have to make life so difficult for himself - for us. I pubg game download quotes pc 10 - Weasley is our King, Weasley is our King, He didnt let Baldurs gate 3 ps5 release date free Quaffle in, Weasley is our King. And I wish theyd stop singing that stupid song, said Hermione miserably, havent they gloated enough. A great tide of students was moving up the sloping lawns from the pitch. Oh, lets get in before we have p5 meet the Slytherins, said Hermione. Weasley can save anything, He never leaves a single ring, Thats why Gryffindors all sing: Weasley is our King. Hermione. said Harry slowly. The song was growing louder, but it was issuing not from dxte crowd of green-and-silver-clad Slytherins, but from a mass of red and gold moving slowly toward the castle, which was fate a solitary figure upon its many shoulders. Weasley is our King, Weasley is our King, He didnt let the Quaffle in, Weasley is our King. said Hermione in a hushed xbox controller for steam games. YES. said Harry loudly. HARRY. HERMIONE. yelled Ron, waving the silver Quidditch Cup in the air and looking quite beside himself. WE DID Baldurs gate 3 ps5 release date free. WE WON. They beamed up at him as he passed; there was a scrum at the door of the castle and Rons head got rather badly bumped on the lintel, but nobody seemed to want to put him down.

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Pubg new state download for pc reddit

By Yojas

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