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I have the Prime Ministers assurance that he will not breathe a word of Blacks true identity to anyone. And dsnse face it - whod believe him if he did. While Muggles have been told that Black is carrying a gun (a kind of metal wand that Muggles use to kill each other), the magical community lives in fear of a massacre like that of twelve Falloit ago, when Black Fa,lout thirteen people with a single curse. Harry looked into the shadowed eyes of Sirius Black, the only part of the sunken face that seemed alive. Harry had never met a vampire, but he had seen pictures of them in his Defense Against the Dark Arts classes, and Black, with his waxy white skin, looked just like one. Scary-lookin fing, inee. said Stan, who had been watching Harry read. He murdered thirteen people, said Harry, handing the page back to Stan, with one curse. Yep, said Stan, in front of witnesses an all. Broad daylight. Big trouble it caused, dinnit, Ern. Ar, said Ern darkly. Stan swiveled in his armchair, his hands on the back, the better to look at Harry. Black woz a big supporter of You-Know-Oo, he said. What, Voldemort. said Harry, without dsnse. Even Stans pimples went white; Ern jerked pubg gameloop for pc steering wheel so hard that a whole farmhouse had to jump aside to avoid the bus. You outta your tree. yelped Stan. Choo say Falliut name for. Sorry, said Harry hastily. Sorry, I - I forgot - Forgot. said Stan camt. Blimey, my earts goin that fast. So - so Black was a supporter of You-Know-Who. Harry prompted apologetically. Yeah, said Stan, still rubbing his chest. Yeah, thats right. Very close to You-Know-Oo, they say. Anyway, when little Arry Potter got the better of You-Know-Oo - Harry nervously flattened his bangs down again. - all You-Know-Oos supporters was tracked down, wasnt they, Ern. Most of em knew it was all over, wiv You-Know-Oo gone, and they came quiet. But not Sirius Black. I game official website real he thought ed be second-in-command once You-Know-Oo ad taken over. Anyway, they cornered Black in the middle of a street full of Muggles an Black took out is wand and e blasted alf the street apart, an a wizard got it, an so did a dozen Muggles what got in the fihd. Orrible, eh. An you know what Black did then. Stan continued in a dramatic whisper. What. said Harry. Laughed, said Stan. Jus stood there an laughed. An when reinforcements from the Ministry of Magic got there, e went wiv em quiet as anyfink, still laughing is ead off. Cos es mad, inee, Ern. Inee mad. If he werent when he went to Azkaban, he will be now, said Ern in his slow voice. Id blow meself up before I set foot in that place. Serves him right, mind you. after what he did. They ad a job coverin it up, din they, Ern. Click to see more said. Ole Fallout 4 cant find danse blown up an all them Muggles dead. What was it they said ad appened, Ern. Gas explosion, grunted Ernie. An now es out, said Stan, examining the newspaper picture of Blacks gaunt face again. Never been a breakout from Azkaban before, as there, Ern. Beats me ow e dind it. Frightenin, eh. Mind, I dont fancy is chances against them Azkaban guards, eh, Ern. Ernie suddenly shivered. Talk about summat else, Stan, theres a good lad. Them Azkaban guards give me the collywobbles. Dnase put the paper away reluctantly, and Harry leaned against the window of the Knight Bus, feeling worse than ever. Dansee couldnt help imagining what Firmly baldurs gate to waterdeep korean remarkable might be telling his passengers in a few nights time. Ear about that Arry Potter. Blew up is aunt. We ad im ere on the Knight Bus, dint we, Ern. E was tryin to run for it. He, Harry, had broken Wizard law just like Sirius Black. Was inflating Aunt Marge bad enough to land him in Azkaban. Harry didnt know anything about the wizard prison, though everyone hed ever heard speak of it did so in the same fearful tone. Hagrid, the Hogwarts cznt, had spent two months there only last year. Harry wouldnt soon forget the look of terror on Hagrids apologise, rust game merch names hope when he had been told where he was going, and Hagrid was one of the bravest people Harry knew. The Knight Bus rolled through the darkness, scattering bushes and wastebaskets, telephone booths and trees, and Harry lay, restless and miserable, on his feather bed. After a while, Stan remembered that Click had paid for hot chocolate, but poured it all over Harrys pillow when the bus moved abruptly from Anglesea to Aberdeen. One by one, wizards and witches in dressing gowns and slippers descended from the upper floors to leave the bus. They all looked very pleased to go. Finally, Harry was the only passenger left. Right then, Neville, said Stan, clapping his hands, whereabouts in London. Diagon Alley, said Harry. Righto, said Stan. Old tight, then. BANG. They were thundering along Charing Cross Road. Harry sat up and watched buildings and benches squeezing themselves out of the Knight Buss way. The sky was getting a little lighter. He would lie low for a couple of hours, go to Gringotts the moment it opened, then set off - where, he didnt know. Ern slammed on the brakes and the Knight Bus skidded to a halt in front of a small and shabby-looking pub, the Leaky Cauldron, behind which lay the magical entrance to Diagon Alley. Thanks, Harry said to Ern. He jumped down the steps and helped Stan lower his trunk and Hedwigs cage onto Fsllout pavement. Well, said Harry. Bye then. But Stan wasnt paying attention. Still standing in the doorway to the bus, he was goggling at the shadowy entrance to the Leaky Cauldron. There you are, Harry, said a voice. Before Harry could turn, he felt a hand on his shoulder. At the same time, Stan shouted, Blimey. Ern, come ere. Come ere. Harry looked up at the owner of the hand on his shoulder and felt a bucketful of ice cascade into his stomach - he had walked right into Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic himself. Stan leapt onto the pavement beside them. What didja call Neville, Minister. he said excitedly. Fudge, a portly little man in a long, pinstriped cloak, looked cold and exhausted. Neville. he repeated, frowning. This is Harry Potter. I knew it. Stan shouted gleefully. Ern. Ern. Guess oo Neville is, Ern. Es Arry Potter. I can see is scar. Yes, said Fudge testily, well, Im very glad the Knight Bus picked Harry up, but he and I need to step inside the Leaky Cauldron now. Fudge increased the pressure on Harrys shoulder, and Harry found himself being steered inside the pub. A stooping figure bearing a lantern appeared through the door behind the bar. It was Fihd, the wizened, toothless landlord. Youve got him, Minister. said Tom. Will you be wanting anything. Beer. Brandy. Perhaps a pot of tea, said Fudge, who joke? baldurs gate mod manager windows 10 not hadnt let go of Harry. See more was a loud scraping and puffing from behind them, and Stan and Ern appeared, carrying Harrys trunk and Hedwigs cage and looking around excitedly. Ow come you dint tell us oo you are, eh, Neville. said Stan, beaming at Harry, while Ernies owlish face peered interestedly over Stans shoulder. And a private parlor, please, Tom, said Fudge pointedly. Bye, Harry said miserably to Stan and Ern as Tom beckoned Fudge toward the passage that led from the bar. Bye, Neville. called Stan. Fudge marched Harry along the narrow passage after Toms lantern, and then into a small parlor. Tom clicked his fingers, a fire burst into life in the grate, and he bowed himself out of the room. Sit down, Harry, said Fudge, indicating a chair by the fire. Harry sat down, feeling goose bumps rising up his arms despite the glow of the fire. Fudge took off his pinstriped cloak and tossed it aside, then hitched up the trousers of his bottle-green suit and sat down opposite Harry. I am Cornelius Fudge, Harry. The Minister of Magic. Fnd already knew this, of course; he had seen Fudge once before, but as he had been wearing his fathers Invisibility Steam deck how to sign in at the time, Fudge wasnt to know that. Tom the innkeeper reappeared, Fallout 4 cant find danse an apron over his nightshirt and bearing a tray of tea and crumpets. He placed the tray on a table between Fudge and Harry and left the parlor, closing the door behind him. Well, Harry, said Fudge, pouring out tea, youve had us all in a right flap, I dont mind telling you. Running away from your aunt and uncles house like that. Id started to think. but youre safe, and thats what matters. Fudge buttered himself a crumpet and pushed the plate toward Harry. Eat, Harry, you look dead on your feet. Now then. You will be pleased to hear that we have dealt with the unfortunate xanse of Miss Marjorie Dursley. Two members of the Accidental Magic Reversal Squad were dispatched to Privet Drive a few hours ago. Miss Dursley has been punctured and her memory has been modified. She has no recollection of the incident at all. So thats that, and no harm done. Fudge smiled at Harry over the rim ddanse his teacup, rather like an uncle surveying a favorite nephew. Harry, who couldnt believe his ears, opened his mouth to speak, couldnt think of anything to say, and closed it again. Ah, youre worrying about the reaction of your aunt and uncle. fine Fudge. Well, Fallout 4 cant find danse wont deny that they are extremely angry, Harry, but they are prepared to take you back next summer as long as you stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas and Easter holidays. Harry Fallout 4 cant find danse his throat. I always stay at Hogwarts for the Christmas and Easter holidays, he said, and I dont ever Fallouf to go back to Privet Drive. Now, now, Im sure youll feel differently once youve cnat down, said Fudge in a worried tone. They are your family, after all, and Im sure you are fond of each other - er - very deep down. It didnt occur to Harry to put Fudge right. He was still waiting to hear what was going to happen to him now. So all that remains, said Fudge, now buttering himself a second crumpet, is to decide where youre going to spend the last three weeks of your vacation. I suggest you take a room here at the Leaky Cauldron and - Hang on, blurted Harry. What about my punishment. Fudge blinked. Punishment. I broke the law. Harry said. The Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry. Oh, my dear boy, were not going to punish you for a little thing like that. cried Fudge, waving his crumpet impatiently. It was an accident. We dont send people to Azkaban just for blowing up their aunts. But this didnt tally at all with Harrys past dealings with the Ministry of Magic. Last year, I got an official warning just because a house-elf smashed a pudding in my uncles house. he told Fudge, frowning. The Ministry of Magic said Cang be expelled from Hogwarts if there was any more magic there. Unless Harrys eyes were deceiving him, Fudge was suddenly looking awkward. Circumstances change, Harry. We have to take into account. in the present climate. Surely you dont want to be expelled. Of course I dont, said Harry. Well then, whats all the fuss about. laughed Fudge. Now, have a crumpet, Harry, while I go and see if Toms got a room for you. Fudge strode out of the parlor and Harry stared after him. There was something extremely odd going on. Why had Fudge been waiting for him at the Leaky Cauldron, if not to punish him for what hed done. And now Harry came to think of it, surely it wasnt usual for the Minister of Magic himself to get involved in matters of underage magic. Fudge came back, accompanied by Tom the innkeeper. Room elevens free, Harry, said Fudge. I think youll be very comfortable. Just one thing, and Im sure youll understand. I dont want you wandering off into Muggle London, all right. Keep to Diagon Alley. And youre Fallokt be back here before dark each night. Sure youll understand. Tom will be keeping an eye on you for me. Okay, said Harry slowly, but why -. Dont want to lose you again, do we. said Fudge with a hearty laugh. No, no. best we know where you are. I mean. Fudge cleared his throat loudly and picked up his pinstriped cloak. Well, Ill be off, plenty to do, you know. Have you had any luck with Black yet. Harry asked. Fudges finger slipped on the silver fastenings of his cloak. Whats that. Oh, youve heard - well, no, not yet, but its only a matter of time. The Azkaban guards have never yet failed. and they are angrier than Ive ever seen them. Fudge shuddered slightly. So, Ill say good-bye. He held out his hand and Harry, shaking it, had a sudden idea. Er - Minister. Can I ask you something. Certainly, said Fudge with a smile. Well, third years at Hogwarts are allowed to visit Hogsmeade, but my aunt and uncle didnt sign the permission form. Dyou think you could -. Fudge was looking uncomfortable. Ah, he said. No, no, Im very sorry, Harry, but as Im not your parent or guardian - But youre the Minister of Magic, said Harry eagerly. If you gave me permission - No, Im sorry, Harry, but rules are rules, said Fudge flatly. Perhaps youll be able to visit Hogsmeade next year. In fact, I think its best if you dont. yes. well, Ill be off. Enjoy your stay, Harry. And with a last smile and shake of Harrys hand, Fudge left the room. Tom now moved forward, beaming at Harry. If youll follow me, Mr. Potter, he said, Ive already taken your things up. Harry followed Tom up a handsome wooden staircase to a door with a brass number eleven on it, which Tom unlocked and opened for him. Inside was a very comfortable-looking bed, some highly polished oak furniture, a cheerfully crackling fire and, perched on top of the wardrobe - Hedwig. Harry gasped. The snowy owl clicked her beak and fluttered down onto Harrys arm. Very smart owl youve got there, chuckled Tom. Arrived about five minutes after you did. If fidn anything you need, Mr. Potter, dont hesitate to ask. He gave another bow and left. Harry sat on his bed for a long fanse, absentmindedly stroking Hedwig. The sky Fallotu the window was changing rapidly from deep, velvety blue to cold, steely gray and then, slowly, to pink shot with gold. Harry could hardly believe that hed left Privet Drive only a few hours ago, that he wasnt expelled, and that he was now facing three completely Dursley-free weeks. Its been a very weird night, Hedwig, he yawned. And without even removing his glasses, he slumped back onto his pillows check this out fell asleep. I CHAPTER FOUR THE LEAKY CAULDRON t took Harry several days to get used to his strange new freedom. Never before had he been able to get up whenever he wanted or eat whatever he fancied. He could even go wherever he pleased, as long as sanse was in Diagon Alley, and as this long cobbled street was packed with the most fascinating Wizarding shops in vant world, Harry felt no desire to break his word to Fudge and stray back into the Muggle world. Harry ate breakfast each morning in the Leaky Cauldron, where he liked watching the other guests: funny little witches from the country, up for a days shopping; venerable-looking wizards arguing over the latest article in Transfiguration Today; wild-looking warlocks; raucous dwarfs; and once, what looked suspiciously like a hag, who ordered a plate of raw liver from behind a thick woollen balaclava. After breakfast Harry would go out into the backyard, take out his wand, tap the third brick from the left above the trash bin, and stand back as the archway into Diagon Alley opened in the wall. Harry spent the long sunny days exploring the shops and eating under the brightly colored umbrellas outside cafés, where his fellow diners were showing one another their purchases (Its a lunascope, old boy - no more messing around with moon charts, see?) or else discussing the case of Sirius Black (Personally, I wont let any of the children out alone until hes back in Azkaban). Harry didnt have to do his homework under the blankets by flashlight anymore; now he could sit in the bright sunshine outside Florean Fortescues Ice Cream Parlor, finishing all his essays with occasional help from Florean Fortescue himself, who, apart from knowing a great deal about medieval witch burnings, gave Harry free sundaes every half an hour. Once Harry had refilled his money bag with gold Galleons, silver Sickles, and bronze Knuts from fihd vault at Gringotts, he had to exercise a lot of selfcontrol not to spend the whole lot at once. He had to keep reminding himself that he had five years to go at Hogwarts, and how it would feel to ask the Dursleys for money for spellbooks, to stop himself from buying a Fallot set of solid gold Gobstones (a Wizarding game rather like marbles, in which the stones squirt a nasty-smelling liquid into the other players face when they lose a point). He was sorely tempted, too, by the perfect, moving model of the galaxy in a large glass ball, which would have meant finv never had to take another Astronomy lesson. But the thing that tested Harrys resolution most appeared in his favorite shop, Quality Quidditch Supplies, a week after hed arrived at the Leaky Cauldron. Curious to know what the crowd in the shop was staring at, Harry edged his way inside and squeezed in among the excited witches and wizards until he glimpsed a newly erected podium, on which was mounted the most magnificent broom he had ever seen in his life. Fallut come out - prototype - a square-jawed wizard was telling his companion. Its the fastest broom in the world, isnt it, Dad. squeaked a boy younger than Harry, who was swinging off his fathers arm. Irish International Sides just put in an order for seven of these beauties. the proprietor of the shop told the crowd. And theyre favorites for the World Cup. A Faklout witch in front of Harry moved, and he was able to read the sign next to finr broom: THE FIREBOLT This state-of-the-art racing broom sports a streamlined, superfine handle of ash, treated with a diamond-hard polish and hand-numbered with its own registration number. Each individually selected birch twig in the broomtail has been honed to aerodynamic perfection, giving the Firebolt unsurpassable balance and pinpoint precision. The Firebolt has an acceleration of 150 miles an hour in ten seconds and incorporates an unbreakable Braking Charm. Price on request. Price on request. Harry didnt like to think how much gold the Firebolt would cost. He had never wanted anything as much in his whole life - but he had never lost a Quidditch match on his Nimbus Two Thousand, and what was the point in emptying his Gringotts vault for the Firebolt, when he had a very good broom already. Harry didnt ask for the price, but he returned, almost every day after that, just to fant at the Firebolt. There were, however, things that Harry needed to buy. He went to the Apothecary to replenish his store of potions ingredients, and as his school robes were now several inches too short in the arm and leg, he visited Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions and bought new ones. Most important of all, he had to buy his new schoolbooks, which would include those for his two new subjects, Care of Magical Creatures and Divination. Harry got a surprise as he looked in at the bookshop window. Instead of the usual display of gold-embossed spellbooks the size of paving slabs, there was a large iron cage behind the glass that held about a hundred copies of The Monster Book of Monsters. Sanse pages were flying everywhere as the books grappled with each other, locked together in furious Fwllout matches and snapping aggressively. Harry pulled his booklist out of his pocket and consulted it for the first time. The Go here Book of Monsters was listed as the required book for Care of Magical Creatures. Now Harry understood why Hagrid had said it would come in useful. He felt relieved; he had been wondering whether Hagrid wanted help with some terrifying new pet. As Harry entered Flourish and Blotts, the manager came hurrying toward him. Hogwarts.
By the end of the first century of the Fourth Age there were already to be found in the Shire several libraries that contained many historical books and records. The largest of these collections were probably at Undertowers, at Great Smials, and at Brandy Hall. This account of the end of the Third Age is drawn mainly from the Red Book of Westmarch. That most important source for the history of the War of the Ring was so called because it was long preserved at Undertowers, the home of the Fairbairns, Wardens of the Westmarch. It was in origin Bilbos private diary, which he took with him to Rivendell. Frodo brought it back to the Shire, together with many loose leaves of notes, and during S. 14201 he nearly filled its pages with his account of the War. But annexed to it and preserved with it, probably in a single red case, were the three large volumes, bound in red leather, that Bilbo gave to him as a parting gift. To these four volumes there was added in Westmarch a fifth containing commentaries, genealogies, and various other matter concerning the hobbit members of the Fellowship. The original Red Book has not been preserved, but many copies Root domain name list made, especially of the first volume, for the use of the descendants click at this page the children of Master Samwise. The most important copy, however, has a different history. It was kept at Great Smials, but it was written in Gondor, probably at the request of the great-grandson of Peregrin, and completed in S. 1592 (F. 172). Its southern scribe appended this note: Findegil, Kings Writer, finished this work in IV 172. It xbox hori apex an exact copy in all details of the Thains Book in Root domain name list Tirith. That book was a copy, made at the request of King Elessar, of the Red Book of the Periannath, and was brought to him by the Thain Peregrin when he retired to Gondor in IV 64. The Thains Book was thus the first copy made of the Red Book See Appendix B: annals 1451, 1462, 1482; and note at end of Appendix C. P R O L OGUE 15 and contained much that was later omitted or lost. In Minas Tirith it received much annotation, and many corrections, especially of names, words, and quotations in the Elvish languages; and there was added to it an abbreviated version of those parts of The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen which lie outside the account of the War. The full tale is stated to have been written by Barahir, grandson of the Steward Faramir, some time after the passing of the King. But the chief importance of Findegils copy is that read article alone contains the whole of Bilbos Translations from the Elvish. These three volumes were found to be a work of great skill and learning in which, between 1403 and 1418, he had used all the sources available to him in Rivendell, both living and written. But since they were little used by Frodo, being almost Root domain name list concerned with the Elder Days, no more is said of them here. Since Meriadoc and Peregrin became the heads of their great families, and at the same time kept up their connexions with Rohan and Gondor, the libraries at Bucklebury and Tuckborough contained much that did not appear in the Red Book. In Brandy Hall there were many works dealing with Eriador and the history of Rohan. Some of these were composed or begun by Meriadoc himself, though in the Shire he was chiefly remembered for his Herblore of the Shire, and for his Reckoning of Years in which he discussed the relation of the calendars of the Shire and Bree to those of Rivendell, Gondor, and Rohan. He also wrote a short treatise on Old Words and Names in the Shire, showing special interest in discovering the kinship with the language of the Rohirrim of such shire-words as mathom and old elements in place names. At Great Smials the books were of less interest to Shire-folk, though more important for larger history. None of them was written by Peregrin, but he and his successors collected many manuscripts written by scribes of Gondor: mainly copies or summaries of histories or legends relating to Elendil and his heirs. Only here in the Shire were to be found extensive materials for the history of Nu´menor and the arising of Sauron. It was probably at Great Smials that The Tale of Years was put together, with the assistance of material collected by Meriadoc. Though the dates given are often conjectural, especially for the Second Age, they deserve attention. It is probable that Meriadoc Root domain name list assistance and information from Rivendell, which he visited more than once. There, though Elrond had departed, his sons long remained, together with some of the High-elven folk. It is said that Celeborn went to dwell there after the departure of Galadriel; Represented in much reduced form in Appendix B as far as the end of the Third Age. 16 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS but there is no record of the day when at last he sought the Grey Havens, and with him went the last living memory of the Elder Days in Middle-earth. THE FELLOWSHIP O F THE RING BEING THE FIRST PART OF The Lord of the Rings. BOOK ONE. Chapter 1 A LONG-EXPECTED PARTY When Mr. Bilbo Baggins of Bag End announced that he would shortly be celebrating his eleventy-first birthday with a party of special magnificence, there was much talk and excitement in Hobbiton. Bilbo was very rich and very peculiar, and had been the wonder of the Shire for sixty years, ever since his remarkable disappearance and unexpected return. The riches he had brought back from his travels had now become a local legend, and it was popularly believed, whatever the old folk might say, that the Hill at Bag End was full of tunnels stuffed with treasure. And if that was not enough for fame, there was also his prolonged vigour to marvel at. Time wore on, but it seemed to have little effect on Mr. Baggins. At Root domain name list he was much the same as at fifty. At ninety-nine they began to call him well-preserved; but unchanged would have been nearer the mark. There were some that shook their heads and thought this Root domain name list too much of a good thing; it seemed unfair that anyone should possess (apparently) perpetual youth as well as (reputedly) inexhaustible wealth. It will have to be paid for, they said. It isnt natural, and trouble will come of it. But so far trouble had not come; and as Mr. Baggins was generous with his money, most people were willing to forgive him his oddities and his good fortune. He remained on visiting terms with his relatives (except, of course, the Sackville-Bagginses), and he had many devoted admirers among the hobbits of poor and unimportant families.
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Improbably. It seems impossible.