baldurs gate

baldurs gate

Baldurs gate 3 balthazar park

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By Jujas


I expect my grand want me to try, though. Shes always going on about how I should be upholding the family honor. Ill just have to - oops. Nevilles foot had sunk right through a step halfway up the staircase. There were many of these trick stairs at Hogwarts; it was second nature to most of the older students to jump this particular step, but Nevilles memory was notoriously poor. Harry and Ron seized him under the armpits and pulled him out, Baldurs gate 3 balthazar park a suit of armor at the top of the stairs creaked and clanked, laughing wheezily. Shut it, you, said Ron, banging down its visor as they passed. They made their way up to the entrance to Gryffindor Tower, which was concealed behind a large portrait of a fat lady in a pink silk dress. Password. she said as they approached. Balderdash, said George, a prefect downstairs told me. The portrait swung forward to reveal a hole in the wall through which they all climbed. A crackling fire warmed the circular common room, which was full of squashy armchairs and tables. Hermione cast the merrily dancing flames a dark look, and Harry distinctly heard her mutter Slave labor, before bidding them good night and disappearing through the doorway to the girls dormitory. Harry, Ron, and Neville climbed up the last, spiral staircase until they reached their own dormitory, which was situated at the top of the tower. Five four-poster beds with deep crimson hangings stood against the walls, each with its owners trunk at the foot. Dean and Seamus were already getting into bed; Seamus had pinned his Ireland rosette to his headboard, and Dean had tacked up a poster of Viktor Krum over his bedside table. His old poster of the West Ham football team was pinned right next to it. Mental, Ron sighed, shaking his head at the completely stationary soccer players. Harry, Ron, and Neville got into their pajamas and into bed. Someone - a house-elf, no doubt - had placed warming pans between the sheets. It was extremely comfortable, lying there in bed and listening to the storm raging outside. I might go in for it, you know, Ron said sleepily through the darkness, if Fred and George find out how to. the tournament. you never know, do you. Spose not. Harry rolled over in bed, a series of dazzling new pictures forming in his minds eye. He had hoodwinked the impartial judge into believing he was seventeen. he had become Hogwarts champion. he was standing on the grounds, his arms raised in triumph in front of the whole school, all of whom were applauding and screaming. he had just won the Triwizard Tournament. Chos face stood out particularly clearly in the blurred crowd, her face glowing with admiration. Harry grinned into his pillow, exceptionally glad that Ron couldnt see what he could. T CHAPTER THIRTEEN MAD-EYE MOODY he storm had blown itself out by the following morning, though the ceiling in the Great Hall was still gloomy; heavy clouds of pewter gray swirled overhead as Harry, Ron, and Hermione examined their new course schedules at breakfast. A few seats along, Fred, George, and Lee Jordan were discussing magical methods of aging themselves and bluffing their way into the Triwizard Tournament. Todays not bad. outside all morning, said Ron, who was running his finger down his schedule. Herbology with the Hufflepuffs and Care of Magical Creatures. damn it, were still with the Slytherins. Double Divination this afternoon, Harry groaned, looking down. Divination was his least favorite subject, apart from Potions. Professor Trelawney kept predicting Harrys death, which he found extremely annoying. You should have given it up like me, shouldnt you. said Hermione briskly, buttering herself some toast. Then youd be doing something sensible like Arithmancy. Youre eating again, I notice, said Ron, watching Hermione adding liberal amounts of jam to her toast too. Ive decided there are better ways of making a stand about elf rights, said Hermione Baldurs gate 3 balthazar park. Yeah. and you were hungry, said Ron, grinning. There was a sudden rustling noise above them, and a hundred owls came soaring through the open windows carrying the morning mail. Instinctively, Harry looked up, but there was no sign of white among the mass of brown and gray. The owls circled the tables, looking for the people to whom their letters and packages were addressed. A large tawny owl soared down to Neville Longbottom and deposited parcel into his lap - Neville almost always forgot to pack something. On the other side of the Hall Draco Malfoys eagle owl had landed on his shoulder, carrying what looked like his usual supply of sweets and cakes from home. Trying to ignore the sinking feeling of disappointment in his stomach, Harry returned Baldurs gate 3 balthazar park his porridge. Was it possible that something had happened to Hedwig, and that Sirius hadnt even got his letter. His preoccupation lasted all the way across the sodden vegetable patch until they arrived in greenhouse three, but here he was distracted by Professor Sprout showing the class the ugliest plants Harry had ever seen. Indeed, they looked less like plants than thick, black, giant slugs, protruding vertically out of the soil. Each was squirming slightly and had a number of large, shiny swellings upon it, which appeared to be full of liquid. Bubotubers, Professor Sprout told them briskly. They need squeezing. You will collect the pus - The what. said Seamus Finnigan, sounding revolted. Pus, Finnigan, pus, said Professor Sprout, and its extremely valuable, so dont waste it. You will collect the pus, I say, in these bottles. Wear your dragon-hide gloves; it can do funny things to the skin when undiluted, bubotuber pus. Squeezing the bubotubers counter tas ix strike сервера disgusting, but oddly satisfying. As each swelling was popped, a large amount of thick yellowish-green liquid burst forth, which smelled strongly of petrol. They caught it in the Baldurs gate 3 balthazar park as Professor Sprout had indicated, and by the end of the lesson had collected several pints. Thisll keep Madam Pomfrey happy, said Professor Sprout, stoppering the last bottle with a cork. An excellent remedy for the more stubborn forms of acne, bubotuber pus. Should stop students resorting to desperate measures to rid themselves of pimples. Like poor Eloise Midgen, said Hannah Abbott, a Hufflepuff, in a hushed voice. She tried to curse hers off. Silly girl, said Professor Sprout, shaking her head. But Madam Pomfrey fixed her nose back on in the end. A booming bell echoed from the castle across the wet grounds, signaling the end of the lesson, and the class separated; the Hufflepuffs climbing the stone steps for Transfiguration, and the Gryffindors heading in the other direction, down the sloping lawn toward Hagrids small wooden cabin, which stood on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Hagrid was standing outside his hut, one hand on the collar of his enormous black boarhound, Fang. There were several open wooden crates on the ground at his feet, and Fang was whimpering and straining at his collar, apparently keen to investigate the contents more closely. As they drew nearer, an odd rattling noise reached their ears, punctuated by what sounded like minor explosions. Mornin. Hagrid said, grinning at Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Beer wait fer the Slytherins, they won want ter miss this - Blast-Ended Skrewts. Come again. said Ron. Hagrid pointed down into the crates. Eurgh. squealed Lavender Brown, jumping backward. Consider, pubg game download free laptop windows interesting just about summed up the Blast-Ended Skrewts in Harrys opinion. They looked like deformed, shell-less lobsters, horribly pale and slimylooking, with legs sticking out in very odd places and no visible heads. There were about a hundred of them in each crate, each about six inches long, crawling over one another, bumping blindly into the sides of the boxes. They were giving off a very powerful smell of rotting fish. Every now and then, sparks would fly out of the end of a skrewt, and with a small phut, it would be propelled forward several inches. Ony jus hatched, said Hagrid proudly, so yehll be able ter raise em yerselves. Thought wed make a bit of a project of it. And why would we want to raise them. said a cold voice. The Slytherins had arrived. The speaker was Draco Malfoy. Crabbe and Goyle were chuckling appreciatively at his words. Hagrid looked stumped at the question. I mean, what do they do. asked Malfoy. What is the point of them. Hagrid opened his mouth, apparently thinking hard; there was a few seconds pause, then he said roughly, Thas next lesson, Malfoy. Yer jus feedin em today. Now, yehll wan ter try em on a few diffrent things - Ive never had em before, not sure what theyll go fer - I got ant eggs an frog livers an a bit o grass snake - just try em out with baldurs gate iii walkthrough diagram bit of each. First pus and now this, muttered Seamus. Nothing but deep affection for Hagrid could have made Harry, Ron, and Hermione pick up squelchy handfuls apex legends champion edition xbox frog liver and lower them into the crates to tempt the Blast-Ended Skrewts. Harry couldnt suppress the suspicion that the whole thing was entirely pointless, because the skrewts didnt seem to have mouths. Ouch. yelled Dean Thomas after about ten minutes. It got me. Hagrid hurried over to him, looking anxious. Its end exploded. said Dean angrily, showing Hagrid a burn on his hand. Ah, yeah, that can happen when they blast off, said Hagrid, nodding. Eurgh. said Lavender Brown again. Eurgh, Hagrid, whats that pointy thing on it. Ah, some of em have got stings, said Hagrid enthusiastically (Lavender quickly withdrew her hand from the box). I reckon theyre the males. The femalesve got sorta sucker things on their bellies. I think they might be ter suck blood. Well, I can certainly see why were trying to keep them alive, said Malfoy sarcastically. Who wouldnt want pets that can burn, sting, and bite all at once. Just because theyre not very pretty, it doesnt mean theyre not useful, Hermione snapped. Dragon bloods amazingly magical, but you wouldnt want a dragon for a pet, would you. Harry and Ron grinned at Hagrid, who gave them a furtive smile from behind his bushy beard. Hagrid would have liked nothing better than a pet dragon, as Harry, Ron, and Hermione knew only too well - he had owned one for a brief period during their first year, a vicious Norwegian Ridgeback by the name of Norbert. Hagrid simply loved monstrous creatures, the more lethal, the better. Well, at least the skrewts are small, said Ron as they made their way back up to the castle for lunch an hour later. They are now, said Hermione in an exasperated voice, but once Hagrids found out what they eat, I expect theyll be six feet long. Well, that wont matter if they turn out to cure seasickness or something, will it. said Ron, grinning slyly at her. You know perfectly well I only said that to shut Malfoy up, said Hermione. As a matter of fact I think hes right. The best thing to do would be to stamp on the lot of read article before they start attacking us all. They sat down at the Gryffindor table and helped themselves to lamb chops and potatoes. Hermione began to eat so fast that Harry and Ron stared at her. Er - is this the new stand on elf rights. said Ron. Youre going to make yourself puke instead. No, said Hermione, with as much dignity as she could muster with her mouth bulging with sprouts. I just want to get to the library. What. said Ron in disbelief. Hermione - its the first day back. We havent even got homework yet. Hermione shrugged and continued to shovel down her food as though she had not eaten for days. Then she leapt to her feet, said, See you at dinner. and departed at high speed. When the bell rang to signal the start of afternoon lessons, Harry and Ron set off for North Tower where, at the top of a tightly spiraling staircase, a silver stepladder led to a circular trapdoor in the ceiling, and the room where Professor Trelawney lived. The familiar sweet perfume spreading from the fire met their nostrils as they emerged at the top of the stepladder. As ever, the curtains were all closed; the circular room was bathed in a dim reddish light cast by the many lamps, which were all draped with scarves and shawls. Harry and Ron walked through the mass of occupied chintz chairs and poufs that cluttered the room, and sat down at the same small circular table. Good day, said the misty voice of Apex update Trelawney right behind Harry, making him jump. A very thin woman with enormous glasses that made her eyes appear far too large for her face, Professor Trelawney was peering down at Harry with the tragic expression she always wore whenever she saw him. The usual large amount of beads, chains, and bangles glittered upon her person in the firelight. You are preoccupied, my dear, she said mournfully to Harry. My inner eye sees past your brave face to the troubled soul within. And I regret to say that your worries are not baseless. I see difficult times ahead for you, alas. most difficult. I fear the thing you dread will indeed come to pass. and perhaps sooner than you think. Her voice dropped almost to a whisper. Ron rolled his eyes at Harry, who looked stonily back. Professor Trelawney swept past them and seated herself in a large winged armchair before the fire, facing the class. Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil, who deeply admired Professor Trelawney, were sitting on poufs very close to her. My dears, it is time for us to consider the stars, she said. The movements of the planets and the mysterious portents they reveal only to those who understand the steps of the celestial dance. Human destiny may be deciphered by the planetary, which intermingle. But Harrys thoughts had drifted. The perfumed fire always made him feel sleepy and dull-witted, and Professor Trelawneys rambling talks on fortunetelling never held him exactly spellbound - though he couldnt help thinking about what she had just said to him. I fear the thing you dread will indeed come to pass. But Hermione was right, Harry thought irritably, Professor Trelawney really was an old fraud. He wasnt dreading anything at the moment at all. well, unless you counted his fears that Sirius had been caught. but what did Professor Trelawney know. He had long since come to the conclusion that her brand of fortune-telling was really no more than lucky guesswork and a spooky manner. Except, of course, for that time at the end of last term, when she had made the prediction about Voldemort rising again. and Dumbledore himself had said that he thought that trance had been genuine, when Harry had described it to him. Harry. Ron muttered. What. Harry looked around; the whole class was staring at him. He sat up straight; he had been almost dozing off, lost in the heat and his thoughts. I was saying, my dear, that you were clearly born under the baleful influence of Saturn, said Professor Trelawney, a faint note of resentment in her voice at the fact that he had obviously not been hanging on her words. Born under - what, sorry. said Harry. Saturn, dear, the planet Saturn. said Professor Trelawney, sounding definitely irritated that he wasnt riveted by this news. I was saying that Saturn was surely in a position of power in the heavens at the moment of your birth. Your dark hair. your mean stature. tragic losses so young in life. I think I am right in saying, my dear, that you were born in midwinter. No, said Harry, I was born in July. Ron hastily turned his laugh into a hacking cough. Half an hour later, each of them had been given a complicated circular chart, and was attempting to fill in the position of the planets at their moment of birth. It was dull work, requiring much consultation of timetables and calculation of angles. Ive got two Neptunes here, said Harry after a while, frowning down at his piece of parchment, that cant be right, can it. Aaaaah, said Ron, imitating Professor Trelawneys mystical whisper, when two Neptunes appear in the sky, it is a sure sign that a midget in glasses is being born, Harry. Seamus and Dean, who were working nearby, sniggered loudly, though not loudly enough to mask the excited squeals from Lavender Brown - Oh Professor, look. I think Ive got an unaspected planet. Oooh, which more info that, Professor. It is Uranus, my dear, said Professor Trelawney, peering down at the chart. Can Https:// have a look at Uranus too, Lavender. said Ron. Most unfortunately, Professor Trelawney heard him, and it was this, perhaps, that made her give them so much homework at the end of the class. A detailed analysis of the way the planetary movements in the coming month will affect you, with reference to your personal chart, she snapped, sounding much more like Professor McGonagall than her usual airy-fairy self. I want it ready to hand in next Monday, and no excuses. Miserable old bat, said Ron bitterly as they joined the crowds descending the staircases back to the Great Hall and dinner. Thatll take all weekend, that will. Lots of homework. said Hermione brightly, catching up with them. Professor Vector didnt give us any at all. Well, bully for Professor Vector, said Ron They reached the entrance hall, which was packed with people queuing for dinner. They had just joined the end of the line, when a loud voice rang out behind them. Weasley. Hey, Weasley. Harry, Ron, and Hermione turned. Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle were standing there, each looking thoroughly pleased about something. What. said Ron shortly. Your dads in the paper, Weasley. said Malfoy, brandishing a copy of the Daily Prophet and speaking very loudly, so that everyone in the packed entrance hall could hear. Listen to this. FURTHER MISTAKES AT THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC It seems as though the Ministry of Magics troubles are not yet at an end, writes Rita Skeeter, Special Correspondent. Recently under fire for its poor crowd control at the Quidditch World Cup, and still unable to account for the disappearance of one of its witches, the Ministry was plunged into fresh embarrassment yesterday by the antics of Arnold Weasley, of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office. Malfoy looked up. Imagine them not even getting his name right, Weasley. Its almost as though hes a complete nonentity, isnt it.

What is that. he heard her say. Sword, grunted an out-of-sight Snatcher. Give it to me. Its not yorn, missus, its mine, I reckon I found it. There was a bang and a tiday of red light: Harry knew that the Snatcher had been Stunned. There was a roar of anger from his fellows: Scabior drew his wand. What dyou think youre playing at, woman. Stupefy. she screamed. Stupefy. They were no match for her, even though there were four of them against one of her: She was a witch, as Harry knew, with prodigious skill and no conscience. They fell where they stood, all except Greyback, who had been forced into a kneeling position, his arms outstretched. Out of the corners twtiter his eyes Harry saw Bellatrix bearing down upon the werewolf, the sword of Gryffindor gripped Apex legends news twitter today in her hand, her face waxen. Where did you get this sword. she Apsx to Greyback as she pulled his wand out of his unresisting grip. How dare you. he snarled, his mouth the only thing that could move as he was forced to gaze up at her. He bared his pointed teeth. Release me, woman. Where did you find this sword. she repeated, brandishing it in his face. Snape sent tooday to my vault in Gringotts. It was in their tent, todxy Greyback. Release me, I say. She waved her wand, and the werewolf sprang to his feet, but appeared too wary to approach her. He Apex legends news twitter today behind an armchair, his filthy curved nails clutching its back. Draco, move this scum outside, said Bellatrix, indicating the tsitter men. If you havent got the guts to finish them, then leave them in the courtyard for me. Dont you dare speak to Draco like - said Narcissa furiously, but Bellatrix screamed, Be quiet. The situation is graver than you can possibly Apex legends news twitter today, Roday. We have a very serious problem. She stood, panting slightly, looking down at the sword, examining its Apex legends news twitter today. Then she turned to look at the silent prisoners. If it is indeed Potter, he must not be click here, she muttered, more to herself than to the others. The Dark Lord wishes to dispose of Potter himself. But if he finds out. I must. I must know. She turned back to her sister again. The prisoners must be placed in the cellar, while I think what to do. This is my house, Bella, you dont nes orders in my - Do it. You have no idea of the danger we are in. shrieked Bellatrix. She looked frightening, mad; a thin stream of fire issued from her wand and burned a Apex legends news twitter today in ldgends carpet. Narcissa hesitated for a moment, then addressed the werewolf. Take these prisoners down to the cellar, Greyback. Wait, said Bellatrix sharply.

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