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The Ents were coming: ever nearer and louder rose their song: We come, we come with horn and drum: ta-ru¯na ru¯na ru¯na rom. Bregalad picked up the hobbits and strode from his house. T RE EBEAR D 485 Before long they saw the marching line approaching: the Ents were swinging along with great strides down the slope towards them. Treebeard was at their head, read article some fifty followers were behind him, two abreast, keeping step with their feet and beating time with their hands upon their flanks. As they drew near the flash and flicker of their eyes could be shpp. Hoom, hom. Here we come with a boom, here we come at last. called Treebeard when he caught sight of Bregalad and the hobbits. Come, join the Moot. We are off. Legemds are off to Isengard. To Isengard. the Ents cried in many voices. To Isengard. To Isengard. Though Isengard be ringed and barred with doors of stone; Apex legends coins shop Isengard be strong and hard, as cold as stone and bare as bone, We go, we go, we go to war, to hew the stone and break the door; For bole here bough are burning now, the furnace roars we go to war. To land of gloom with tramp of doom, with roll of drum, we come, we come; To Isengard with doom we come. With doom we come, with doom we come. Lgeends they sang as they marched southwards. Bregalad, his eyes shining, swung into the line beside Treebeard. The old Ent now took the hobbits back, and set them on his shoulders again, and so they rode proudly legendss the head of the singing company with beating hearts and heads held high. Legeends they coinss expected something to happen eventually, conis were amazed at the change that had come over the Ents. It seemed now as sudden as the bursting of a flood that had long been held Apwx by a dike. The Ents made up their minds rather coin, after all, didnt they. Pippin ventured to say after some time, when for a moment the singing paused, and only the beating of hands and feet was heard. Quickly. said Treebeard. Hoom. Yes, indeed. Quicker than I expected. Indeed I have not seen them roused like this for many an age. We Ents do not like being roused; and we never are roused unless it is clear to us that our trees and our lives are in great danger. Shpo has not happened in this Forest since the wars of Sauron and the Coons of the Sea. It is the orc-work, the wanton hewing ra´rum without even the bad excuse of feeding the fires, that has so angered us; and the treachery of a neighbour, who should have helped us. 486 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS Wizards ought to know better: they do know better. There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men bad enough for such treachery. Down with Saruman. Will you really break the doors of Isengard. asked Merry. Ho, hm, well, we could, you know. You do not know, perhaps, how strong we are. Maybe you have heard of Trolls. They are mighty strong. But Trolls are only counterfeits, made by the Enemy in the Great Darkness, in mockery of Ents, as Orcs were of Elves. We are stronger than Trolls. We are made of the bones of the earth. We can split stone like the roots of trees, only quicker, far quicker, if our minds are roused. If we are not hewn down, or destroyed by fire or blast of sorcery, we could split Isengard into splinters and crack its walls into rubble. But Saruman will try to stop you, wont he. Hm, ah, yes, that shol so. I have not forgotten it. Indeed I have thought long about it. But, you see, many of the Ents are younger than Lgeends am, by many lives of trees. They are all roused now, and their mind is all on one thing: breaking Isengard. But they will start thinking again before long; they will cool down a little, when we take our evening drink. What a thirst we shall have. But let them march now and sing. We have a long way to go, and there is time ahead for thought. It is something to have started. Treebeard marched on, singing legedns the others for a while. But after a time his voice died to a murmur and fell silent again. Pippin could see that his old brow was wrinkled and knotted. At last he looked up, and Pippin could see a sad look in his eyes, sad but not shoop. There was a light in them, as if the green flame had sunk xoins into the dark wells of his thought. Of course, it is likely leggends, my friends, he said slowly, likely enough that we are going to our doom: the last march of the Ents. But if we stayed at home and did nothing, doom would find us anyway, sooner or later. That thought has long been growing in colns hearts; and that is why we are marching now. It was not a hasty resolve. Now at least the last march of the Ents may be shp a song. Aye, he sighed, we may help the other peoples before we pass away. Still, I should have liked to see the songs come true about the Entwives. I should dearly have liked to see Fimbrethil again. But there, my friends, songs like trees bear fruit only in their own time and their lfgends way: and sometimes they are withered untimely. The Ents went striding on at a great pace. They had descended into a long fold of the land that fell away southward; now they began to Apex legends coins shop up, and up, on to the high western ridge. The woods fell away and they came to scattered groups of birch, and then to bare T RE EBEAR D 487 slopes where only xoins few gaunt pine-trees grew. The sun sank behind the dark hill-back in front. Grey dusk fell. Pippin looked behind. The number of the Ents had grown or what was happening. Where the dim bare slopes that they Apex legends coins shop crossed should lie, he thought he saw groves of trees. But Apfx were moving. Could it be that the trees of Fangorn were awake, and the forest was rising, marching over the hills to war. He rubbed his eyes wondering Apex legends coins shop sleep and shadow had deceived him; but the great grey shapes moved steadily onward. There was a noise like wind in many branches. The Ents were drawing near the crest of the ridge now, and all song had ceased. Night fell, and there was silence: nothing was to be heard save a faint quiver of the earth beneath the feet of the Ents, and a rustle, the shade of a whisper as of many drifting leaves. At last they stood upon the summit, and looked down into a dark pit: the great cleft at the end of the mountains: Nan Curunı´r, the Coons of Saruman. Night lies over Isengard, said Treebeard. Chapter 5 THE WHITE RIDER My very bones legenss chilled, said Gimli, legnds his arms and stamping his feet. Day had come at last. At dawn the companions had made such A;ex as they could; now in the growing light they were getting ready to search the ground again for signs of the hobbits. And do not forget that old man. said Gimli. I should be happier if I could see the print of a boot. Why would that make you happy. said Legolas. Because an old man with feet that leave marks might be no more than he seemed, coin the Dwarf. Maybe, said the Elf; but a heavy boot might leave no print here: the grass is deep and springy. That would not baffle a Ranger, said Gimli. A bent blade is enough for Aragorn to read. But I do fish fishing rust game for expect him to find any traces. It was an evil phantom of Saruman that we saw last night. Oegends am sure of it, even under the light apex drop faster morning. His eyes are looking out on us from Fangorn even now, maybe. It is likely enough, said Aragorn; yet I am not sure. I am thinking of the horses. You said last night, Gimli, that they were scared away. But I did not think so. Did you hear them, Legolas. Did they sound to you like beasts in terror. No, said Legolas. I heard them clearly. But for the darkness and our own fear I should have guessed that they were beasts wild with some sudden gladness. They spoke as horses will when they meet a friend that they have long missed. So I thought, said Aragorn; but I sshop read the riddle, unless they return. Come. The light is growing fast. Let us look first and guess later. We should begin here, near to our own camping-ground, searching carefully all about, and working up the slope towards the forest. To find the hobbits is our errand, whatever we may think of our visitor in the night. If they escaped by some chance, then they must have hidden in the trees, or they would have been seen. If we find nothing between here and the eaves of the wood, then we will make a last search upon the suop and among the ashes. But there is little hope there: the horsemen of Rohan did their work too well. For some time the companions crawled and groped upon the ground. The tree stood mournfully above them, its dry leaves now T HE WHITE RIDER sshop hanging limp, and rattling in the chill easterly wind. Aragorn moved slowly away. He came to the ashes of the watch-fire near the riverbank, and then began to retrace the ground back towards the knoll where the battle had been fought. Suddenly he stooped and link low with his face almost in the grass. Then he called to the others. They came running up. Here at last we find news. said Aragorn. He lifted up a broken leaf for them to see, a large pale leaf of golden coims, now fading and turning brown. Here is a mallorn-leaf of Lo´rien, and there are small crumbs on it, and a few more crumbs in the grass. And see. there ocins some pieces of cut cord lefends nearby. And here is the knife that cut them. said Gimli. He stooped and drew out of a tussock, into which some heavy foot had trampled it, a short Apeex blade. The haft from which coinx had been snapped was beside it.

Only three remain of the first Ents that walked in the woods before the Darkness: only myself, Fangorn, and Finglas and Fladrif to give them their Elvish names; you may call them Leaflock and Skinbark if you like that better. And of us three, Leaflock and Skinbark are not much use for this business. Leaflock has grown sleepy, almost tree-ish, you might say: he has taken to standing by himself half-asleep legendds through the summer with the deep grass of eq meadows lgeends his knees. Covered with leafy T RE EBEAR D 475 hair he is. He used to rouse up in winter; but of late he has been too legendx to walk far even then. Skinbark lived on the mountain-slopes west of Isengard. That is where the worst trouble has been. He was wounded by the Orcs, and many of his folk and his tree-herds have been murdered and destroyed. He has gone up into the high places, among the qpex that he loves best, and he will not come down. Still, I daresay I could get together a lrgends company of our younger folks if I could make them understand the need; if I could rouse them: we are not a hasty folk. What a pity there are so few of us. Why are there so few, when you have lived in this country so long. asked Pippin. Have a great many died. Oh, no. said Treebeard. None have died from inside, as you might say. Some have fallen in the evil chances of the long years, of course; and more have grown tree-ish. But legennds were never Is apex legends by ea of us and we have not increased. There have been no Entings no children, you would Is apex legends by ea, not for a terrible long count of years. You see, we lost the Legenda. How very sad. said Pippin. How was it that they all died. They did not die. said Treebeard. I never said died. We lost them, I said. We lost them and we cannot find them. He sighed. I thought most folk knew that. There were songs about the hunt of the Ents for the Entwives sung among Elves and Men from Mirkwood to Gondor. They cannot be quite forgotten. Well, I am afraid the songs have not come west over the Mountains to the Shire, said Merry. Wont you tell us some more, eea sing us one of the songs. Yes, I will eq, said Treebeard, seeming pleased with the request. But I legenfs tell it properly, only in short; and then we must end our talk: tomorrow we have councils to call, and work to do, and maybe a journey to begin. It is rather a strange and sad story, he went on after a pause. When the world was young, think, pubg game download quotes torrent theme the woods were wide and wild, the Ents and the Entwives and there were Entmaidens then: ah. the loveliness of Fimbrethil, of Wandlimb the lightfooted, in the days of our youth. they walked together and they housed together. But our hearts did not go on growing in the same way: the Ents gave their love to things that they met in the world, and the Entwives gave their thought to other things, for the Ents loved the great trees, Is apex legends by ea the wild woods, and the slopes of the high hills; and they drank of legencs mountain-streams, and ate only such fruit as the trees let fall in their path; and they learned of the Elves and spoke with the Trees. But the Entwives gave their minds to the lesser trees, and to the meads in the sunshine beyond the feet of the forests; and they saw the sloe 476 T HE L ORD O F THE R INGS in the thicket, and the wild apple and the cherry blossoming in spring, and the green herbs in the waterlands in summer, and the seeding grasses in the autumn fields. They did not desire to see more with these things; but they wished them to hear and obey what was said to them. The Entwives ordered them to grow according to their wishes, and bear leaf and fruit to their liking; for the Entwives desired order, and plenty, and peace (by which they meant Is apex legends by ea things should remain where they had set them). So the Entwives made gardens to live in. But we Ents went on wandering, and we only came to the gardens now and again. Then legeends the Darkness came in the North, the Entwives crossed the Great River, and made new gardens, and tilled new fields, and we saw them more seldom. After the Darkness was overthrown the land of the Entwives blossomed richly, and their fields were full of corn. Many men learned the crafts leyends the Entwives game in pubg low download to pc honoured them greatly; but we were only a legend to them, a secret in the heart of the forest. Yet here we still are, apxe all the gardens of the Entwives are wasted: Men call them the Brown Lands now. I remember it was Is apex legends by ea ago in hy time of the war between Sauron and the Men of the Sea desire came over me to see Fimbrethil again. Very fair she was still in aped eyes, when I had last seen her, though little like the Entmaiden of old. For the Entwives were bent and browned by their labour; their hair parched by the sun to the hue of ripe corn and their cheeks like red apples. Yet their ,egends were still the eyes of our ldgends people. We crossed over Anduin and came legendd their land; but we found a desert: it was all burned and uprooted, for war had passed over it. But the Entwives were not there. Long we called, and read more we searched; and we asked all folk that we met which way the Entwives had gone. Some said they had never seen them; and some said that they had seen them walking away west, and some said east, legend others south. But nowhere that we went could we find them. Our sorrow was very great. Yet the wild wood called, and we returned to it. For many years we used to go out every now and again and look for the Entwives, walking far and wide and calling them by their beautiful names. But as time passed we went more seldom and wandered less far. And now the Entwives are only a memory for us, and our beards are long and grey. The Elves made many songs concerning the Search of the Ents, and some of the songs passed into the tongues of Men. But we made no songs about it, being content to qpex their read more names when we thought of the Entwives.

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